Help first timer grower and my seedlings arent growing??


New Member
hello growers. i have had my seedlings for about a week to 2 weeks now in rockwool with no nutrients just water. And i have had no luck getting them to move past the stage they are in the photos i have attached. what am i doing wrong??? they have dried out one night when a heat wave came through. when i looked at my temperature it was 33 degrees Celsius.....please if anyone could help.. or recommend some reading material or videos.....

SDC10530.jpgSDC10533.jpg green buddy.


plant in soil. temp shouldn't be anything below 70f. WHat light are they under? LED's? Anyways. Read sticky's on these forums, they do help.


Active Member
hello growers. i have had my seedlings for about a week to 2 weeks now in rockwool with no nutrients just water. And i have had no luck getting them to move past the stage they are in the photos i have attached. what am i doing wrong??? they have dried out one night when a heat wave came through. when i looked at my temperature it was 33 degrees Celsius.....please if anyone could help.. or recommend some reading material or videos.....

View attachment 2815096View attachment 2815105 green buddy.
Well planting in soil won't do any good probably bcs U don't even have much roots coming out. I know you said they dried out but hopefuly you don't keep thse cubes soaked in water all they time, that'll slow the growth of the roots and eventually the plants. What kind of lights you got?


New Member
well has the heading stated (my plan)well is to put them into a hydroponic drip system so i didn't really wanna use soil and transplant them later on. The light they are under is a little blue single floresent light used in aquariums.A friend has used this light before on a few plants just starting them out for a week or 2. But what he did use to success to start off was jiffy pelts or jiffy pots.. I have been keeping they pretty well well try hard for them not to dry out cause i read keep them moist but never let them dry out. Dont know if thats true or not..... aslo i did have it in a grow tent with not much ventilation. ive added more photos to try give use more of an idea So yer any ideas guys?...i haven't got a clue and now wondering if it is worth just starting again???

green buddy

