HELP! FIRT TIMER ima a newbie with a plant that has some problems


Hello everyone.. So i have never grown and i have this lil foot tall plant growing in my backyard and i have no idea what i should do cuz it grew this far with only rain occasional watering and just the sun but i think its sufferin because of that. It has redish branches , the top leaves are dark green and brighter green and are kinda ice or metallic lookin frost on the edges of the leaves kinda . Does anyone know where to start ?:sad:

ps im pretty sure its female



Well-Known Member
It's a perfectly healthy plant. just let it grow. :) It looks nice and there is nothing wrong with it.

If the leaves start folding in half more, take out that aluminum foil, because the sun is very strong. when the leaves fold that means it's getting too much light/heat. so just be aware of that and water it if it's folding up like that.


Well-Known Member
I agree, just let it grow,plant looks healthy and fine. Keep it outdoors too if you can, NOTHING is better than the sun and rain water.


Active Member
there is no use for the aluminum foil outdoors. te banches get the same sunlight at the bottom as they do with the top. i agree with the other posters this plant looks healthy. keep it in the ground and dont transplant to pot. have fun with that buddy


Active Member
you could adjust ph , if your water is hard by adding ph down or lemons or limes upon your soil. you might add nutes once a week to help your soil. whats your outdoor temp?


lol my mom might murder my love child if she spots it, i think ima try to give it one more week then put it in a pot not sure how much its gonna go before getting spotted , i also noticed that it only gets sunlight for around 5-6 hours everyday too since its closeness to a wall it gets shade by 12ish everyday so im assuming it needs to get away from the shade to get more direct sunlight? :?: and i threw some updated pics of miss unexpected


little k

thats a good looking plant when you put it in a pot are you going to keep it outside??? if not what kind of light are you going to use?