Help! Flower issue


Well-Known Member
After a very impressive outdoor veg, I am having a not so impressive flower so far.. mostly only small buds. most smaller/lower growth is having some serious discoloration (see pictures).

been battling spider mites, grasshoppers and powdery mildew all year.. been using neem oil and growsafe spray periodically

two different strains of plant (strains unknown). currently using calmag, tigerbloom, bigbloom, and beastie bloom (beastiebloom at half recommended dosage). feeding every 5 days. pH of well water is 6.5. I've been following the foxfarm feeding schedule (with the addition of calmag). growing in 5 gallon buckets and also straight into a raised bed. drainage is good. all plants having similar problems.

started showing signs about 3 weeks ago. i thought maybe a nutrient lockout, so I flushed them two weeks ago after using open sesame for a few waterings. they're certainly alive but the flower production is weak, especially after such an crazy veg (about 7-8 feet tall). at this time last year, the same strain was flowering 1000% better at this point, although the plants were not nearly as big. I have about 3 more weeks before it gets too cold here.

any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance



Well-Known Member
Your third paragraph says a lot. 3 different bloom boosters if that’s what they are?