HELP! found 2 seeds whilst 50 days into flowering, but no other signs of males/hermi?


Well-Known Member
PLEASE HELP! i have been flowering now for 50 days, LA Confidential (feminised) Blue Cheese (feminised) and Amnesia Lemon (Feminised).
The buds are all big fat and juicy with coke can sized colas, all frosty and densely hairy,and trichomes about 20% creamy, but today, whilst inspecting what i thought was a big juicy calyx on the LA, i discovered that it contained a seed, the strange thing was that it had two hairs coming from it aswell like a female bud. Then i noticed one on the Cheese. I inspected all the plants and didnt find any other seeds or signs of male buds such as bannanas or balls. They all look very typically female. Can females sometimes produce the odd seed late in flowering? What would you recommend me to do? Harvest early? HELP!!


Well-Known Member
also, any tips/knowledge on inducing premature finishing would be soooooo much appreciated!!:peace:

Dolce Vita

Active Member
i have read that all females will produce pollen sacks IF they are subjected to high stress.. are there any male plants around/ that you have been around?

Da Chef

yes i have also read that under stress the plant can turn hermaphroditic. this is why you have seeds. if i were you i would put the hermie in a different room or it might pollinate the fems.
even hermies can produce good bud, but they can also pollinate and make other hermies. if any of this stuff happened to your plant it will explain why it turned hermie.

plant likes to have an average day with no surprises on any day of its life. Any unusual event in the marijuana plantslife will change its internal chemistry and result to slow growth. Some of the stress causes are

1) WATER STRESS: There is a lack of water or too much water for the plant to absorb. Water stress in marijuana plantscauses abscisic acid to build up and closes down the stomata.

2) NUTRIENT STRESS: Usually cased by too much, not enough, or an imbalance of the nutrients. This can attract diseases or nematodes (type of worm) and disrupt root function.

3) Mineral Stress: It is caused by mineral imbalance in plant tissues, usually due to nutrient problems or by adding to re-circulating mixes. This causes plant growth to slow. By the time the results are visible, the problem is already very advanced. It usually takes a week or so to recover from mineral stress.

4) PH STRESS: The PH of the nutrient solution is changing all the time as the plant uses the minerals in the surrounding nutrients and as the water is transpired by the leaves and evaporates from the nutrient solution. Wildly fluctuating PH will reduce the marijuana plantsnutrient uptake and cause deficiencies

5) AGE STRESS: AS a plant gets older, its nutrients need to change. A tissue analysis will show the plant using totally different quantities of each nutrient as it ages. In highly supercharged garden systems, the nutrient fed to marijuana plantsis different for each week of growth. Mature or ageing marijuana plantsneed far less nutrients.

6) IRREGULAR LIGHT CYCLES: These will change the hormonal balance in marijuana plantsthat use the length of light and dark to tell when to flower.

7) PLANT DAMAGE: Any damage causes the plant to change its chemistry to repair the damaged are of the plant

:cool: ROOT DAMAGE: Either physical or chemical causes the plant to divert its chemistry to keep the roots advancing and creating new root hairs to absorb food. Roots can’t actually rebuild themselves when damaged; they just seal off the damaged section and move around it.

9) Environmental extremes / Diseases: The can cause a plant to age and flow prematurely, a female plant to produce viable seeds without being fertilized, or just cause poor growth.


Well-Known Member
I havent had any other males around as they were all grown from feminized seed, everything else has been pretty constant and going well. Only thing i can think of was a light timer failure when the light stayed on an extra 4 hours and the temps hit 105 cos the fan turned off


Active Member
Im worrying about the same thing, but Im less than 2 weeks into flowering. I have been removing my 2 females from the room at 12 hours everyday. I read that if your plants get light during the dark period when flowering that they can hermie, this week my plants have been subject to no more than 3 hours of light that they werent supposed to get. Today I looked at my only bagseed plant and noticed something that looked like it could be a male flower, Im not sure though since I havent seen any real male flowers and this is my first grow. What I saw looked different than those things that shoot out two white hairs so Im really concerned, Im going to let it sit for at least another few days.