HELP!! found little sprouting plant next to my plant?? is it bad?? what to do??


:?::wall::?:OK, 1st I'll shed some light on my situation... I'm using coconut crop circles.. kinda like coconut chips as my grow medium (NO SOIL WAS EVER USED!!) I'm in the end of my last stage of veg and I've been using Aquacana products for nutes and additives.. I'm using the ebb n flow (flood and drain table) and my plants are in smart pots..When I started I used 1 seed per pot as well...EVERYTHING IS also BRAND NEW!! (meaning- nothing was ever used for a previous harvest nor did I buy anything used or 2nd hand from someone else) I purchased my seeds from a seed bank..I did not get them from someone I knows harvest either.. So, now that you know all that.. This morning when I went to top off my reservoir (when doing this I always move all my plants to the end of the table for easier access) when I picked up a plant from the middle I seen there was a little plant that looks like a newly sprouted MJ seedling growing in the same pot next to my other plant..I really have no idea what this is or if its harmful to my big plant??(I also am 100% sure there was only 1 seed per pot)..I tried google and I was only able to find 2 post about this but in both the post the growers were using soil and were in the beginning stages of sprout..( I'm not using soil nor am I in the beginning stage of sprout though) the responses to the post were that its a weed (and not the good smoke able kinda weed either) LOL and that its a pretty common problem with growers using soil.(although I cant find anything other than those 2 post on the subject)..the responses were saying pollen or other seeds sometimes get into the soil and cause the foreign weed to grow and that its harmful to the plant so it should be removed..but like I said I'm not using soil and I'm not in the same stage as those growers were so I have no idea what it is or what I should do about it??.. but I do have to say it really does look like a MJ sprout..can the roots sprout leaves and grow another plant??? sounds kinda crazy but I'm clueless to this..I've never heard of anything like this nor can I find any research on this matter.. SO, I was hoping one of you VETERAN GROWERS could inform me on this information and tell me what I should do and what would cause this..All my plants (this one included) look so healthy!!! I've really had an easy time with them so far...(knock on wood) I would really hate for this to be a problem an me not to fix it correctly and it spread to my other plants as well...SO SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.....:?::sad::?: