help frost is coming not sure what to do!!!


Well-Known Member
IMG_2084.jpgIMG_2075.jpgIMG_2080.jpgIMG_2078.jpgIMG_2076.jpghey guys, we just had our first mild frost last night and it didnt seemIMG_2083.jpg to bother my girls, but we have frost warnings all week here and im not sure what to do.

i dont have room for them inside and only thing i canIMG_2082.jpg think of is bag em up at night wich is the obvious answer to my question.

what i really want to know is if the medeocre frosting will help theIMG_2081.jpg plants, it is warm enough out during the day where the soil has time to warm up enough where the 30° weather isnt going to hurt the roots.

i kIMG_2085.jpgnow they have at least 3-4 more weeks of flower to go (or at least it seems that way.)

they are coming along so nicely i hate to harvest them IMG_2079.jpgin 2 weeks.

anyways heres some pics of my girls, they arent the best looking plants but they are mine (almost like your children ya know :) )



Well-Known Member
dam what the hell happened >< guess ill post pics on seperate post next time sorry for the terrible layout


Well-Known Member
But i would say bagging is your best bet.....all i can say is, the more you have them covered for the frost, the better....

but i know what you mean when you say "i know their not the best, but their "my" plants, so automaticaly they look better then yours..., like your children" true...even if its bad smoke, your DAMN PROUD OF YOUR AWFUL SMOKE.cuz you grew

when i look at my finished buds, i dont brag about it being covered in braging sounds like this
"DAMN!!!! These buds are bursting with pride!! look at all that pride on this bud, it is simply covered & smuthered in pride"...lmao


Well-Known Member
Yeah your best bet is to bring them inside at night and put em out in the morning before work or whatever...
Just make sure not to oversleep some days :p


Well-Known Member
i cant bring them inside, i risk too much transporting them back and fourth cuz i live on a main road and cops and shit drive by all the time, plus i dont have the room in my house for them

and my wife said no ><


Well-Known Member
gonna have to bag them i guess, i wasnt sure if the cold nights helped bud production or not.

my theory behind that is mother nature saying...oh shit its getting cold better hurry this shit up.

i heard it was good for them to undergo a really heavy frost right before harvesting but how much truth to that i dont know.


Well-Known Member
I cant tell by the pics you posted but if they are close enough maybe you should consider covering them with a pvc frame and 6 mil plastic, make a little hoop green house. That will give you maybe 5 or 10° warmer. You can get a small heater that run off propane bottles and run it on the cold nights. Here is a link to one:
Good part about it is at the same time its heating its giving off co2.

Just thought I would add you would have to leave it on its lowest setting cause those things really heat up a small area.
I use one in a 12x18 room and it warms it up about 5° in a 1/2 hour or so. On low the canister lasts about 8 hours.


Well-Known Member
I cant tell by the pics you posted but if they are close enough maybe you should consider covering them with a pvc frame and 6 mil plastic, make a little hoop green house. That will give you maybe 5 or 10° warmer. You can get a small heater that run off propane bottles and run it on the cold nights. Here is a link to one:
Good part about it is at the same time its heating its giving off co2.

Just thought I would add you would have to leave it on its lowest setting cause those things really heat up a small area.
I use one in a 12x18 room and it warms it up about 5° in a 1/2 hour or so. On low the canister lasts about 8 hours.
they still have at least 3 weeks, probally should let them go more. the main colas are starting to fill up around the stem now but can still see the stem.

thanks for your suggestion tho i will keep it in mind but with all the choppers in the air i dont really want to be putting off heat at night