hey guys, we just had our first mild frost last night and it didnt seem

to bother my girls, but we have frost warnings all week here and im not sure what to do.
i dont have room for them inside and only thing i can

think of is bag em up at night wich is the obvious answer to my question.
what i really want to know is if the medeocre frosting will help the

plants, it is warm enough out during the day where the soil has time to warm up enough where the 30° weather isnt going to hurt the roots.
i k

now they have at least 3-4 more weeks of flower to go (or at least it seems that way.)
they are coming along so nicely i hate to harvest them

in 2 weeks.
anyways heres some pics of my girls, they arent the best looking plants but they are mine (almost like your children ya know
