Help- gone 4 two days- how to water??


Well-Known Member
Hey people, I'm going camping for two days and have no one to water my plants. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how to keep my flowering plants alive??? does placing them in a pot of water and letting the roots suck up what they need work??? I REALLY apreciate any ideas that may help. thanks.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Do they need to be watered that often? I would think 2 days would be safe. Give them a good watering right before you leave.


Well-Known Member
they should be ok for a couple of days if you soak em down really well before you leave. Unless their roots are pretty packed in the pots, in which case you'll have to do something. Ever seen those watering bulbs that you fill with water and stick in the soil that release water over time?


Well-Known Member
unfornunatly I have really baby'd my plants. I should have got them used to a two or three day watering, but I have given them water everyday since the beginning of flowering. Also they ARE a bit packed into there pots. They arent root bound but there pretty close to being. But you think if I soak em real good right before I go they will be ok??? THanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Then I would set up a drip. You can make your own, or just go down to a petshop that sells reptile watering systems (when you see them you'll say, Fuck, I could make that myself!), attach aquarium airline tubing to where you want the water dripped, set your drip rate and off you go.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I just got back from a 5 day beach trip and all my plants did great! I have 1 WW...3 Afghans...2 Sweet Thai's and 1 Smokey Mountain Haze in flower. I watered them heavy on Sunday night before I left and when I got back they were lots bigger but no signs of neglect.

I have 4 WW...5 Sweet Thai's and 4 Afghans that were in their 7th day of clone and all survived and are showing new growth.

All my plants in veg did great as well except for a couple of Thiai's that grew into the light and suffered 3rd degree burns. I just topped them and sent them on their way. The point I am making is these plants are very strong and you should be fine with leaving your plants for a couple of days. Just water them good and go enjoy the great outdoors! Good luck :peace: