help! growing concerns


Hello, this is my first time growing. I am vegging my plants outside and under fluorescent bulbs, depending on the weather. A storm came thru my area so i moved my plants into my garage that's unattached to my house (temp. inside around 15c) where the fluorescent bulbs are. i wasn't sure if they were getting optimal light so i took a box and taped paper to the walls in an attempt to get more light. Now what concerns me is there's something on the leaves. The spots that you can see in the pictures is like a glossy see thru residual (kinda like a snail trail) and also some spots are lightly coloured. i have seen bugs on my plants and i do kill them (look like small brown slivers) and also there are small black dots under some lower leaves but it could be dirt being splashed up when watering. Also my new leaves growing in on the top are a different colour, more vibrant it seems but a lot more skinny (i think) than others ive seen grow from the same plant(s) and they seem to be curling (photo below).

if anyone could give some insight that would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, so my newest leaves are starting to droop, tips turning and they are getting brighter. i havent changed anything. Heres some pics and ty

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Well-Known Member
Your soil looks wet did you just water?If you did let them dry out they will straighten out.I think most people who are new over water they also look like they need a little more nitrogen are you feeding yet?


Your soil looks wet did you just water?If you did let them dry out they will straighten out.I think most people who are new over water they also look like they need a little more nitrogen are you feeding yet?
i had just watered, i was a little wet but idk i hadnt watered them in like 2 or 3 days the soil just stayed wet from the cold i guess?? but i wont water them until it goes dry again


Well-Known Member
Wtf do you expect........fluorescent....Lol.......give them wot they NEED and they will reward you generously.........1decent lighting(hps/mh) 2 some food she likes(small dose)3a dialled in environment.....take care of the first 2and the 3Rd will follow.......


Wtf do you expect........fluorescent....Lol.......give them wot they NEED and they will reward you generously.........1decent lighting(hps/mh) 2 some food she likes(small dose)3a dialled in environment.....take care of the first 2and the 3Rd will follow.......
ik i do plan on buying better bulbs but atm i have fluorescent light fixtures and bulbs and i heard you can use them to veg im obv not using them to flower. also they produce the light white light hemp absorbs. ive read in some instances cfl's are better with the right lumens to w.e ration (cant remember)


Wtf do you expect........fluorescent....Lol.......give them wot they NEED and they will reward you generously.........1decent lighting(hps/mh) 2 some food she likes(small dose)3a dialled in environment.....take care of the first 2and the 3Rd will follow.......
also as i've stated, when it rains i put them inside under florescent bulbs, otherwise they are outside


Well-Known Member
Carry on mate........perfect if you have the climate.....because unless you have a shit load of fluorescents.....flowering will become a problem.....taking plant's inside then outside SCREEMS risk to me......but if your cool with it then who am I to of luck my freind.......''.....I have a couple of gals outside myself as a bit of an experiment......but....they will stay outside for the duration while I get on with my indoor stuff......