help guys! wife's tomato plants are not doing well


Active Member
Ok she uses organics fertilizer primarily bio thrive all in soil. when I mix her water (r.o filterd water) the ph drops severly. Down to 5 And I need to ado alot of ph up to bring it to 6. Seems I am getting nutrient lock out.
My well water is a perfect 6.1 ph. Should I be mixing non r.o filterd with her organics? I have read that soil growing should not need to be ph balanced. I grow all hydro and use flora 3 part series. Works amazing



Active Member
That's a definite possibly. She has 50 trays on the go and only 8-10 are looking like this atm


Well-Known Member
Looks like it might be too much water to me also. I might be tempted to give them a little cal mag when they are dry.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Get your water tested. It's most likely calcium magnesium and sulfur making those ppm.

I use 150 ppm well water for my garden and plants love it.


Active Member
Ok figured it out. We recently moved to a country home with a water softener. No good. Was an e.c value of 1.1. So had high salt content from the softener. She is now using my reverse osmosis water and gh flora grow. two weeks later everyone is doing fantastic. Our winter has just ended. Next step is a direct water line that bypasses the softener

