@#$@! help hanging the mag light


Active Member
So I've gotten my plants back to health. My friend offsite hit the nail on the head, the spotting may have been a boron deficiency. I took my Gobox, mixed it up at 200pm and every new coming in is fine looking - rest of which will be another story...

My new official problem is here...

I went and sprung for a small tent (3 feet wide, 2 feet deep, 5 1/4ft high). I figured for the mag+ this would be perfect. My problem though is I'm really having a hard time jerry rigging the light high enough to avoid any problems. It's an Agromax tent, without doing something stupid I can only get the light to a max of maybe 3ft. I have a whole lot of zip ties, a rope ratchet set along with the original hangers. None of the clips will fit around the poles though. Any one have an idea how to get some lift here that I may have not thought of?

(Mag+ is suppose to emit zero heat, but when I close up the tent in a completely unheated room the thing reaches 85 no problem... looks like I need to buy an inline fine :cuss:)
chains, loop them around the hanging from the cross bars at the top. I also use carabiners, super easy to move my panels. Also you don't need a hyper expensive inline fan, but you do need one. Just get a smaller one (probably 20-30 USD). The super duper 100 USD plus ones are generally for larger set ups or HID lighting heat removal.
chains, loop them around the hanging from the cross bars at the top. I also use carabiners, super easy to move my panels. Also you don't need a hyper expensive inline fan, but you do need one. Just get a smaller one (probably 20-30 USD). The super duper 100 USD plus ones are generally for larger set ups or HID lighting heat removal.

Cool, I might have to hit up home depot and just make a custom one and pick up larger climber hooks. I might look about picking up a smaller inline fan for now and switch to something else for a air filtering.