Help help i think my plant is dead


Active Member
i need some help plant is about 2 weeks in and is about 2 inches..but the problem is i think it got burned to much heat cuz it shriveled up and is laying down on the soil..its still green but is there any way i can bring my lil homie back or is it to late


Active Member
Try prop it up with some sort of splint and take it further away from the light. What lighting are you using and how close was it?


if its two weeks old it sounds like you are probably over watering.. your really supposed to barley water at all when they are young.. over watering is the most common mistake of new growers!! so stop watering untill they perk up!! if its lying on its side shriveled up though. its probably dead and not coming back .. post some pictures and everyone here will be able to tell whether there is a chance..


the reason i dont think its a burn is because you would know for sure if you burnt your plant to death. if its all crusty than yeah its burnt.. if its still green and very moist than its a water o.d