HELP-Himilayian Gold and White Widow 45 days old no FLOWERS?


Hello guys I need some advice please guys!I have HG and WW FEMALE seeds that are ABSOLUTLEY GORGEOUS,HUGE AND AWSOME!These are the best plants I've ever seen indoors.They almost match outdoor growth.These plants are 45 days old today.I veged these for 28 days under 15000 lumens.My light cycle was 16/8 for 28 days.17 days ago
I switched from 6500k bulbs to 2700k bulbs and started a 12/12 light cycle on a timer.I think both of these plants need 8 weeks to show sex so I'm not freaking out yet,but I did think starting a 12/12 cycle 17 days ago would have stimulated tops by now?Any advice?Remember the main stalk is the size of a nickle and they look AWSOME HEATHLY!Many many nodes on these plants.

Should I be seeing any pistols yets?Ive looked everywhere but dont see any yet?


Active Member
I am having a similar problem with my WW plants. They have been 12/12 for 5 weeks now and still no flowers. They are healthier than ever and getting huge, but 5 weeks in and no flowers is crazy. Not sure what to do?
Its gotta be your seeds a bro same with the oth dude with the white widows ,or are yours clones ,if they are seeds where did you get them from