help i accidently sprayed bushmaster????


Active Member
Ok I thought my spray bottle was water but i think it was bushmaster so yea I sprayed the clones with it and its been three weeks now and they havent grown that much at all. Lots of roots but slow growth uptop.. will the busgmaster wear off stupid question I know but how do I get them to start growing faster? If it was just water and not bushmaster is there a reason are growing so slow? Heres my set up:

Three week old clones of master bubba kush from a cooperative so they could be a month or more old
They are about 3 inches tall but im LST them the side branches are not growing they are there they jjust arnt stretching out

They are under a 4 bulb 4ft t5 light thats about a foot to a foot and a half away.

They are grown in a custom hydro system where they are in nets above the rez with a drip system constantly dripn on hydromite rocks then flown back into the rez the roots will eventually grow into the rez water but they are not that developed yet.

All of this in a 4ft by 2ft tent. Temps are in the mid to low 80s with light on and mid to low 70s with the light off.

So I was thinking I either sprayed them with bushmaster and how do I reverse the bm?


The light might be too far away for rapid growth?


This strain is a slow growing plant?

Please help any thoughts would be appreciated...
Man I have the opposite problem I better buy some bushmaster no joke. I sure someone on here will chime in that has used it. Google this bushmaster rollitup it will shine some light hopefully.
Yeah bushmaster deff works ur just not suppose to do it as earlyas I did fml. If u live in california u cant get it anymore its outlawed so ull need to get someone from out of state to mail that shit into u. If ur not california then... hey new buddy!!!