Help, I can't decide...To Much Weed


Well-Known Member
Hi All, I need some help deciding which strains to order, they all sound sooooo good!
I'm doing an indoor grow under flouro's n cfl's and i've only got about 3 1/2 - 4ft vert grow room. It's just for personal use so flavour, quality and a nice looking plant r more important to me than yield, but a nice yield would be good to.
So I'm planning on ordering 4 or 5 different strains from Vancouver Seed Bank or BC Seed King, would be nice to have one of each goin at a time
Anyways, I've narrowed it down to 12 lol, I know. Thinking of White Widow, Purps, BC Great White Shark, God Bud, Blue God, Kahuna, Kush, :joint::joint:, aahhhh, Northern Lights #5, Atomic Shiva, Burmese, :joint:, Lemon Skunk and Jamaican Grape. All comments welcome, thanx


Active Member
if ur only using cfls an fluros you wanna use lowryders,there'll all supposed to be pretty good but a mate gave some lowryder no. 2s 24 hr light an biobiz bloom an boost an got nearly 2 oz of prime stinky sticky weed,it was as good as any ive ever had an ive had a lot. his 1st grow he didnt get f all cos he didnt feed em right. use descent nutes an you'll be alright. growing regular strains under cfls will lead to painfully low yeild,i say this with experience. lowryder auto flowerin strains will mean no height worries either,they get to 2ft of bud in 10 or so weeks,always give em as long as poss,usually a wk or 2 longer than it says on the pack. good luck dude an have fun


Well-Known Member
Low rider is very good if your only using CFL's and florescents , i personally advice you to grow PPP, its kind to beginners, produces lots of bud and gets you tripping hard when your high. If you are going to grow PPP invest in more light :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Pure Power Plant... it's a South African sativa strain. IMO if you get these beans, go for Sensi.