Yesterday was my first time giving nutrients I put a half of teaspoon of fox farm grow big in a gallon jug. The temps range from 76 to 83 and the humidity hovers around 30 which I know is to low I'm working on that problem now. And I am using 1000 watt hps for the whole grow.
Could this be to much nitrogenFFOF can feed a plant for awhile. You probably don't need to feed anything right now. That plant looks like it's almost ready to transplant into a bigger pot. You still won't need to feed anything for awhile.
If that is my problem how can I fix it do I just water them normal and it will fix it selfShe does not need ANY food that soil can veg a plant 4-6 weeks it does not need food what so ever
If that is my problem how can I fix it do I just water them normal and it will fix it self
yup only tap water when it starts showing a yellow fade on the bottom then it likely means she wants food but shes full on nitrogen wont be a plant have been eating 600 ppm and their still a little hungry. in your case your soil is the food. what some people do in ff is keep replanting it till it gets to a 5/7 gall pot then they just do dry amendments into the top of the soil and mix it in the top.
If that is my problem how can I fix it do I just water them normal and it will fix it self
This is what I thought so with ocean forest probably dont need any nutrients for about 6 weeksJust give it plain water for now. No need to do anything drastic.
Thank you I will transplant to 5 gallon pots today or tomorrowneeds a bigger pot with good drainage. your tips are curling also, sign of nitrogen overload. your soil shouldn't need nutes at all at this point.
Ok will do thank youI wouldn't transplant them I would let them get a little bit more happy and big before I would do that. the soil was hot and u fed give it time to eat water all u need
My little guys where doing fine till I gave them nutrients I figured that was the problem but when I was googling there was a whole lot of info so I figured I post pics on here and see what everyone thinksfrom what ive read as well with ocean forest it can be a little strong for plants in seedling into veg. alot of people say let your plant grow to about 4-5 weeks old before introducing ocean forest cause it can damage your small plants but im not sure how true it is. just what i read from alot of forums.