Help! I Don't Know What This Is

I have some weird leaf curling on some clones. I have a dwc container with 40 plants in it. about 10 of them are showing these signs. There is also some coloring that I couldn't get to come out in the pics. Some of the leaves look almost blueish and have white on the edges.


I also have one plant with these white spots.


help please



Well-Known Member
Thinking............... Never seen anything like that. Roots ok? anything going on or has gone on the last few days? Can you get closer shot of the white spots and have you checked for bugs on the effected leafs?


Well-Known Member
i've had that on branches that weren't getting enough light during veg. nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
How much light you actually using? I get that on some lower branches the odd time if they're buried in foliage.


Well-Known Member
say spark, would root xl and enzymes help for weak roots 3 weeks in flower?
Hmmmmm I do not think it would hurt. Hydro you should always have them in your system, dirt well I just do not know enough about how they interact in it to say for sure. Anyone?
i thought they weren't getting enough light. but, I didn't think that is what would happen. they are clones, but they are rooted and have been vegging for about 10 days. they are under a 400w mh. i'm gunna set up a 600 hps to give more light, see if that works.


Well-Known Member
i thought they weren't getting enough light. but, I didn't think that is what would happen. they are clones, but they are rooted and have been vegging for about 10 days. they are under a 400w mh. i'm gunna set up a 600 hps to give more light, see if that works.
well more light light is always good :)
but it's not crucial. these aren't top shoots, right?

Also I'm not sure if it's all about light. But I was asking too back then and no one seemed no about any other reason.

and please tell me
where was that guy in your avatar
some movie i can't remember
real funny one