HELP!!I fucked up

A couple of weeks ago i planted a white rhino then a couple of days ago i planted a northern lights i looked over my order confirmation and it didn't say anything about them being autoflower seeds i thought they were but now i have doubts ill try and get some pics up within the next couple of days but can anyone tell me is there a way to tell the difference right now i have them on a 18/6 schedule is that the best light schedule if they are photos and not autos i feel so dumb because all i have learned about growing is based around autos but i have them under CFL lights and they are growing fine the northern lights is pretty tall for it to just be a couple days old and the white rhino about two weeks old has about eight leaves,
so any insight would be appreciated thanks,


Well-Known Member
Who's the breeder. If it didn't say they were autos they probably aren't. Some breeders carry auto and photo varients of the same strain, you may have picked the wrong one.

Well-Known Member
At which is where i presume you bought your nothern lights from... Well my order, when I go to my order history and I hit details, it tells me exactly Northern Lights_Auto Flower. It also says Northern Lights_AF on the bag! Hopes this helps!

If it doesnt say auto flower dont get your hopes up because all breeders packs are labeled precisely if they are non auto's they all ways say just the name and if they are autos the breeders pack always says *name*_AF or auto flower.

This is how it is with most sites, including attitude, nirvanashop, etc...


Active Member
In my opinion just keep it under 18/6 until your ready to flip into flowering.. whether it be autoflower or not


these two plants are purple power and both have started showing lots of pistils and looks like it might want to go in flower even its in veg, but its also a little over 6 weeks..

but has been showing lots of pistils for weeks.. none the less i will take clones off of these and while it may take a couple of days extra to convert back to veg during the cloning, it will still have no problem, i cloned for the first time on my first grow, two bottom branches with 100% success, and have basically experimented with them to see how tolerent they are, which its a weed, so they are strong.

but to be honest i dont think my plant is actually flowering its just a strain type, because neither of my other strains , ice , and aurora indica or showing as many pistils, but at the same time i think most plants will start producing pistils around the month mark, may be wrong on that. *shrug

research , reasearch, and more, yeah, research. make it a hobby

good luck :weed: