HELP, I wanna take more cuttings

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
I have taken cuttings before, dipped in a cheshunt solution and into jiffy pellets in a 5 inch pot of soil/perl/verm. My trouble is I aint sure if they are rooting properly.

The last 2 are now eventually producing new growth but it took 4 weeks. Is there a way i could do it quicker and be sure of good rooting?

Can I leave them in the pellets on their own for longer before putting to soil?

Please please help

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Arrrggghhh I just checked the label on this stuff and it states

"must not be used on edible crops,"

Anyone ever used this stuff?


Well-Known Member
sould be ok just for rooting.

just make sure your clones are in a dome, and the roots are warm.
and try to keep on 24 hour lighting.


Well-Known Member
how many days have you been trying to clone?.
it normally takes 7 to 11 days?
what strain are your cuttings?.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks MrG, i thought it would be ok, but its a bit of a worry.

I have 2 clones (Thai Stick?)they been in jiffies, in soil, domed for 3-4 weeks. New growth appearing and they are withstanding the lack of humidity now that I took the domes of - about a week ago. I tried taking them off prior to this but the clones shrivelled!! eek!

I intend to cut some more tonight, if i get the ok from my new learned friends. If the powder is but, i can postpone until i get the right stuff.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks Kushmonster, what a simple way to root your cuttings. Its given me some ideas, I need to try and rearrange my veg-room to make space for another couple now, lol

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
OK, so i didn't really have enough space in my veg room for any more. I had to sacrifice the goldfish and use the tank as a propogator.

I took 6 cuttings, trimmed and diagonally cut again under water, dipped in some rooting powder and into a jiffy pellet.

I hope to see roots within 2 weeks. Gonna keep my eye on the temp and humidity, 68* and 60% and rising




kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i can tell you how i do it, i have only ever done 12 cutting but all but one (i know the mistake i made with that one) lived and rooted within 10 days, it a bit of mucking about but it works

p.s i just PM'ed you something you might find funny
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Well-Known Member
Sick addition to the crop bud. You should find those girls root really soon. Is that a fish tank?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all th +ve vibes Guys, I feel the force and I hope the girls feel it too, lol.

Temp stayed stable overnight at 68* and Humidity went up as i expected to 75-80%.

Noooo its not a fish tank its a propogator, lol ;)


Well-Known Member
i find when cloning in water, and the roots have grown and its time to plant on, the plant has a 50/50 chance of living, i find soil is best.peat blocks/rooting poeder and a dome and a little heat, and 24/0 lighting.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks Crazy Mental, I figured the same. I decided against rooting in water cos im impatient and couldnt be assed making something to support them. This way they are supported and kinda in their mediums already.

I have a good feeling about these babies.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys maby some 1 on here can help me quick? I just got a used PH wand on ebay and to test it i decided that I would try different types of water. distilled is around 6.2-6.4 and it says tap water is at 9.2 that sounds a little high to me. is my ready bugging out or is it just me?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
pp depending on where you are your tap water could be 9.2 distilled water at 6.2-.4 sounds about right can you get any ph7 buffer to check your wand with?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Hi PP, right im not the best person to be asking but you shud b able to calibrate your probe. To do this properly you will need some buffer solution, i think its normally PH7. I think 9 is wigh for tap water, sure its not vinegar, lol.

Failing PH buffer, try some oil of ulay, i think thats 5.5, lol

Seriously though mte, post a thread in one of the forums, that way everyone will see it and not just anyone lookin in on my thread



Well-Known Member
Sorry about moving in on your post Dr and thank you for all the advice guys I am going to get some buffer tomorrow. I trust the opinion of you guys because you all sound nowledgable.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
No no thats not what i was meaning, im happy when theres a post on one of my threads. I just meant if you were after an answer fast, best to get the right answer from someone who knows for sure. You need to mix it up a wee bit. There are a lot of people here talk the talk and there are soooo many different ways to skin a cat. Everybodys grow is a bit different from the last person. If you can take a little bit from everyones and make it work for you - you're onto awinner.
KHunter knew to point out that the ph in or around your area can go as high as what you experienced.
There seem to be a lot of good guys around who are willing to help.
There is some talk of having a forum for the brit pack, I think its a good idea.