Help ID This Problem

I think i may have over nuted, just switched to 12/12 on Jan. 27 on Jan. 17 Fed it with 1/2 ml SeaCal 1 1/2 ml Oneness and 7 drops of Schults 10-15-10. On Jan 23 Just watered with 1 tsp Mollasses then on Jan 28 Fed 1 ml SeaCal and 3 ml Oneness and 14 drops of Schultz 10-15-10. After being out of town a few days i came home to this.

SickPlant 008.jpgSickPlant 006.jpgSickPlant 007.jpg


they look underwatered and the ph looks like its off, make sure you get the ph right and feed them with a small small dose of nutes


Well-Known Member
looks like a nute deficiency n the bottom, which could be caused by ph lockout so make sure ph is good, also looks like she needs some water cuz shes drooping. mine looked droopy like that even though i jsut water fertelized her the day b4. soil was still moist but gave her water fert ne ways n she litterally started perkin right up in front of me. so check to she if shes thirsty, sometimes they like lots of water during budding, especially my huge ww max, shes a monster compared to her 5 gal, have to water fert her everyday or 2


Well-Known Member
also looks like Magnesium (mg) deficiency on that one leave with the yellowing on the inside of the leaves, mainly around the veins of the leaves


Well-Known Member
First off, tell us about your soil, it looks rather compact, even though there's a bunch of perlite(I think) laying on top. If it was a decent soil, you've fed it too much, but still, I think your problem is bigger than that. Even though overfed, it's not really showing signs of fertburn/overfert, it's showing deficiencies. That's probably a PH problem, and/or you have a bunch of dry spots in your soil, even after your watered. Dry roots can't take in nutes, and if your soil is too compact, or not watered thoroughly, you'll end up with dry spots, which can really screw things up. They'll fool you into overfeeding, when in reality, there's plenty of nutes there, but the plant can't access them. Watering in two doses, can fix that, if done right. Break up the top of the soil, with a chopstick, piece of stiff wire, small screwdriver, etc....and then give the plant about half of it water, wait about 1/2 hour, then give it the rest. Water til there's a little bit of runoff, just to make sure things are good and saturated, evenly.

Also, invest in some PH up and down, you won't regret it. :)


Well-Known Member
P.S. It'd be a good idea to start foliar feeding, with a veg fert containing micro-nutes,(1/4-1/2 strength) til you get your soil problems figured out. It'll keep your plant sustained, til then. :)
Thanks so much for all the helpful info guys, i have been reading for a few months now not wanting to ask stupid questions. The soil is my main problem , its a mixture of topsoil, potting soil and perlite, the only reason i used it is because it was free. For my next try i will be using a good soil, and i will get some PH up/down. As this is my first try i really don't want these plants to die, i have read all about deficiencies and over feeding but so many look alike to me. It's also hard for me to check my runoff because it's cloudy like muddy water just not as bad (i use one of those PH test kits with the glass tube and the stuff you drop in it.) I have one of those cheap soil testers with the PH-Moisture-Light gauges. And the soil PH is always different, i mean take it out, and stick it back in and the PH has changed. So i dont trust it.


Well-Known Member
^A quick tip on soil PH testers....

....leave them in the soil for at least 5 minutes,(even 1/2 hour, is okay) then get your reading. Also, make sure to only do this after a good watering, when the soil is really wet. That't the best way to get an accurate reading, with those types of testers. :)