Help - Identify the Issue! :S


Hey guys!

Getting this (in pics below) on some leaves on a few of the "tops". I'm not TOO worried about it, but would just like some help figuring out exactly what it is and the cause and get some feedback so I can avoid this for my next (2nd) grow. They've been very healthy up to this point, except for a very minor cal/mag def which I quickly solved.

Veg'd for 7 weeks from germ/seedling. On day 2 of flowering.
Under a 1000w hps, dimmed to 50% in order to keep temps at 77-80. Light is in closed cooled hood 2 feet away from tops.
Always watered with fresh RO water, pH'd to 6.5-6.8.
Used FFOF entire grow up until I transplanted from 1.5 gal pots to 5 gal on 6/26 (2 weeks ago). Now I'm using roots organic because FFOF was too hot... I did run out of roots organic so had to mix FFOF at a 3:1 roots to FFOF ratio.
Using fox farm nutes, big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom, haven't fed since transplant due to the FFOF except for calmag and a little bloom nutes at 1/4 str right before switching to flowering. Here are the pics.



I should also mention the fact that I always water with pH 6.5 to 6.8 but whenever I test the runoff, they're at 5.4-5.6. Always been like that. I've been hesitant/scared to flush because other than the calmag def, they've been very healthy up to this point. And even this is minor, only on a 3-4 leaves


Well-Known Member
could of received some physical damage but if its only on a few leaves i'd keep doing what your doing and watch for other signs. looks good a healthy otherwise. keep us posted


Seems like a slight potassium deficiency. By the looks of the rest of the plant I wouldn't let it bother me at all cause the rest of the plant took amazing.


Thanks, guys! I was a little bit worried, but you guys have eased my mind lol. I try not to worry too much about little things like that because I don't want to over-correct. This is my first grow tho so I still have that extra-cautious, newbie state of mind. It's only day 3 of flowering, so I can't wait to see how big they get by the end :D


Well-Known Member
Beautiful luscious plant you have there looking very healthy other then the few leaves. If you continue a proper ph lvl and right flowering nutes at half strength you will have a very nice turnout that you'll be happy with.


Beautiful luscious plant you have there looking very healthy other then the few leaves. If you continue a proper ph lvl and right flowering nutes at half strength you will have a very nice turnout that you'll be happy with.
Thanks! They really are beautiful :)
Question for you: On day 3 of flowering now. I transplanted into new soil two weeks before flipping to flower from 1.5 gal to 5 gal pot. New soil was 2/3 roots organic and 1/3 FFOF. I've only given it like 150 ppms of flowering nutes right before flipping to 12/12 because there was a little burn at leaf tips after the transplant. Ive watered once after the flip with just fresh RO water. They're about 23" tall and bushy with tons of roots growing out and covering the bottom already 1 week after transplant. Is it safe to start giving bloom nutes at 1/2 str or should I wait and do one more water with no nutes?


Well-Known Member
Did you listen to your plant? Was it asking for nutes? Give her what she wants, and needs... So far, you have been doing fine, just keep it up! !/2 strength now is fine...