Help ingredients list for organic soil


Well-Known Member
So I'm in ocean forest this run , id like to go full living soil..

For the ingredients would it be :

Peat moss or coco
Earthworm casting
Rock dust?

For the nutrients: dr amendments

Can do something like this as I have mostly everything I mentioned ..
Except perlite and rock dust

Im trying to keep it simple as ill be mixing soil often I have a big back yard so ill be planting some veggies and herbs and some musa balbusiana banana trees..
Source peat from the Great lakes states. Accurately substitute the rest.
Amendments are boogie brew dry tea, boogie black and Coast ofMaine "Stonington Blend" lobster/ kelp fert. Easy as it gets. And closer than you will achieve in a dozen grows. LOL.
Read the living soil thread that's active here. Here is an older one but with good stuff and you can read posts by some of the pioneers of modern cannabis "living soil" theory Tons of interesting stuff in those old living soil threads. The quality of your compost is really important...there is a world of difference between thermo composted municipal waste and something like quality earthworm castings or fish compost.
I dump everything out there eventually....used up coco is great with yard clippings. The Maxibloom residue stokes some nice hot compost action lol. I just found someone nearby that will give me some comfrey root or crown cuttings, so I'm looking forward to having unlimited comfrey in my arsenal at some point.
I dump everything out there eventually....used up coco is great with yard clippings. The Maxibloom residue stokes some nice hot compost action lol. I just found someone nearby that will give me some comfrey root or crown cuttings, so I'm looking forward to having unlimited comfrey in my arsenal at some point.
I have the good fortune of clean, prolific white oak and bark. Tornado almost 5 years ago provided dead fall for life. Rich in native microbial s and fungus after a summer of seasoning. Amazing stuff. Acorns are the only flaw in the equation. 70+ footer over shadowing my compost pile has demonstrated beyond debate. LOL.

Source naturally from your area is my point. No initial shocks and refined for generations for you.
I have the good fortune of clean, prolific white oak and bark. Tornado almost 5 years ago provided dead fall for life. Rich in native microbial s and fungus after a summer of seasoning. Amazing stuff. Acorns are the only flaw in the equation. 70+ footer over shadowing my compost pile has demonstrated beyond debate. LOL.

Source naturally from your area is my point. No initial shocks and refined for generations for you.
I love that idea and actually I was just thinking along the same lines. You know what is hilarious, look up "pine needle mulch" or something like that on Amazon, and some people are selling boxes of pine needles for just ridiculous prices. I live next to a national forest and have access to all that has to offer, I just got all twisted up with arthritis starting last year, so I'm really not able to do too much collecting. I planted a huge bed of garlic last fall and I just saw a ton of sprouts, so I'm pretty stoked about that. I really want to make some garlic braids this year. Totally off topic LOL
I love that idea and actually I was just thinking along the same lines. You know what is hilarious, look up "pine needle mulch" or something like that on Amazon, and some people are selling boxes of pine needles for just ridiculous prices. I live next to a national forest and have access to all that has to offer, I just got all twisted up with arthritis starting last year, so I'm really not able to do too much collecting. I planted a huge bed of garlic last fall and I just saw a ton of sprouts, so I'm pretty stoked about that. I really want to make some garlic braids this year. Totally off topic LOL
I'm hated here. But your own back yard if of a realistic size and a walk dirt trail next to the asphalt will provide you with more than you can possible imagine how to use.

Went from well paid to disabled in an instant. A decade to come to terms. And a mere thought of why buying free stuff of superior knowledge that works. Can't give my harvests away fast enough since.

You will never buy nature. Only the books to understand a piece of her. I'll take millions of years of experience and proof over a fewpictures and 100 years of chemical analysis. LMAO.

Way off but still. Organic is easier than sold. It is working in your yard. LOL.
I recycle all my soil, there is no reason not to! If your doing organic just keep a bin to put it in. Re-amend the soil, water moderately. And let it sit till the next grow. I always have fresh soil this way. The only time I'd throw out soil was if I had root rot, and if you get root rot growing organic, it's time to quit!