HELP! Is this a ph problem or something?


My water originally was basic (like 7-8 ph), and i'v adjusted it and flushed the hempy bucket out with good ph water. One of my other plants also has the yellow first set of leafs and this one clearly has bad yellow leafs:

The tips of the plant are burning too:

Im running x4 26W CFL 6500k and x3 15Ws and have a fan blowing from above

What is the problem here and how can i fix it?


What are you growing them in? What did you adjust the pH to?

You shouldn't use unfiltered/undistilled water.

They're in jiffy refillables (the soil things) and put in 100% perlite

The water i flushed today (flushed using ~5.5 ph water) when i started the flush i tested the water coming out and it was only at like 6, which it had been in there for about a week or so.

Would using tap water and correcting the ph cause this bad of a problem? Should i use distilled?

Also, whats the deal with those lower leafs?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The plants are likely feeding on their oldest leaves to support their newer leaves. Flushing will only make things worse. They need food and they need the pH to be correct to make use of that food. In soilless mediums, you have to monitor the pH very closely. It shouldn't go below 5.7 or over 6. Yours may be a little too acidic.

If they can survive alright this long, let them dry out until they need more water. Then, feed them an all-around fertilizer mix pH'd properly.


Great post, and thank you very much for the help

+measly reps

Im gonna let the water table dry a bit then next time i water ill put neuts in as well, would it be best to start at like 1/2 serving?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Most organics would be fine at full strength but it depends on what you're using. If it were us, we'd mix up some Maxicrop (1-0-4), Cave Bat Guano Tea (3-10-1) at just over half strength, with a little Fish Emulsion (4-1-1).

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If it's really all you can get your hands on, then that's all you can use. Most Miracle Gro ferts rank near the bottom when compared to other ferts that are almost as cheap. If you have a choice, Bone Meal & Fish Emulsion are cheap & are excellent sources of N, P, Ca, Mg, and Fe, as well as other nutrients. Good sources of Potassium are hard often hard to find locally. We use Maxicrop Soluble Seaweed Powder (1-0-4) and Palm Bunch Ash (0-0-30) for organic sources of K. Many garden centers sell ferts like Bone Meal in bulk at a buck or two per pound.