HELP!! Is this bud rot???!!

tony nice

After going to see how she held up after some harsh rain i cam to find theses little spots aroundsome of the buds its brown looks dead, and looks like a mildew it looked like it could have been burned from nutes or its infact, budrot if it is, what do i do??? i need a good insight on this i dont want it to spread please help me with this problem.IMG_4939.jpgIMG_4963.jpgIMG_4942.jpgIMG_4953.jpg


Active Member
Yes it does look like Bud Rot. I would go out after every major rain and look and cut & pulll off all you can find. Use these pieces as early smoke to test or save for Hash and Oil.


Active Member
This year I am have been spraying the area with some Anti Fungals if I have some after I remove ther Rotted Piecies.... Hopping this will buffer the ajoing buds next to the budrot area against rotting.


Well-Known Member
i hate mold.. good luck with that..

midnight has some good advise for you tho.. just keep removing as much of it as you can..


Well-Known Member
Yea man definitely bud rot. I would remove as much of it as I can and if it keeps spreading with no setbacks, then chop the plant and get what bud you can. Its not worth losing your whole crop to.