Help Joe to save American lives, opinions and suggestions


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden has already begun a historic battle to save hundreds of thousands of American lives as presumptive president elect and more loudly after Dec 14th as official president elect. He has assembled a team of health experts and is executing what parts of the plan he can, if you live in a blue state or sensible red one, you can start early too and do it with masks.

Hundreds of thousands of lives are on the line here folks, the sum total of many wars, what do you think a normal man like Joe Biden is gonna do after January 20th to fight this pandemic, considering the magnitude of the casualties? That's right, a lot and by whatever means fair and foul, right down to indicting red state governors for conspiracy to commit mass 2 nd degree murder along with Trump. If you don't think the feds have an excellent case for Donald on mass 2nd degree murder and manslaughter for some governors, you should consult an expert in such matters, I have.

Joe is gonna be on a mission to save American lives, get behind it, if you get in the way he will fuck you in the blink of any eye as he should. Joe is a nice reasonable man who takes his responsibilities to defend and protect you very seriously, just as he swore to do.

How are you planning on helping Joe to wage a world war on covid? The tools are about to fall into his hands, as he reaps the pay off from a lot of great science and hard work. Vaccines by spring and antibody therapies are here now, it is more imperative than ever that you save as many lives as you can in those few months, Canada too BTW.

Uncle Joe needs you, to wear a mask and stay the fuck home, unless you need to go out and BTW wash your fucking hands!
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South Dakota is a case in point. Look at the infection surge there and in surrounding states following Sturgis. I just read that Montana is in the top 10 in the WORLD for infection rate right now, in spite of its small population. Just amazing how that single event continues to destroy lives in the surrounding states.
Just undo everything Trump did. That will save a lot right off the bat.

The thing I wish I could do is remove Trump from office so Joe can get going. No big deal they can just plan around him.
South Dakota is a case in point. Look at the infection surge there and in surrounding states following Sturgis. I just read that Montana is in the top 10 in the WORLD for infection rate right now, in spite of its small population. Just amazing how that single event continues to destroy lives in the surrounding states.
People in each state need to organize for the effort well before Joe is sworn in and put the fear of Jesus and future prosecution into the governors and state officials in these red state rolling dumpster fires. The plan will be public and it ain't hard to figure out, not much reason not to get a jump on it if you can, federal support would be nice, but ya do what you can in the meantime, masks and hand washing don't cost much.
Bring back those Trump fired, and fire the one's he hired. Revoke the pardon's handed out (If possible) during the Trunp administration.

I see the error there, just not worth fixing. I got better things to do than to make sure I get his name right.. lol

Example: bongsmilie
Bring back those Trump fired, and fire the one's he hired. Revoke the pardon's handed out (If possible) during the Trunp administration.

I see the error there, just not worth fixing. I got better things to do than to make sure I get his name right.. lol

Example: bongsmilie
Joe has got a stack a foot high for the inaugural podium and I doubt if there will be much festivities, straight to work and don't come up for air until ya got enough of it sorted out. I wonder what his crowd size will be like with covid and all, Donald will be keenly interested while he is watching from Mar Logo.

Most of the problem with the transition is they have to explain what they did these past four years and no one can without going to jail! Imagine Bill Barr briefing the new AG, boy would that be an interesting conversation, Billy will be lucky if the new guy doesn't sucker punch him and break his face.
Joe has got a stack a foot high for the inaugural podium and I doubt if there will be much festivities, straight to work and don't come up for air until ya got enough of it sorted out. I wonder what his crowd size will be like with covid and all, Donald will be keenly interested while he is watching from Mar Logo.

Most of the problem with the transition is they have to explain what they did these past four years and no one can without going to jail! Imagine Bill Barr briefing the new AG, boy would that be an interesting conversation, Billy will be lucky if the new guy doesn't sucker punch him and break his face.
He sure does have a ton of crap to fight his way through. He does have a feisty Vice President Elect along his side, and I gotta say... she's one tough bish! I like that about her.

Me personally. I will continue to be an extra voice out here in my part of the world, and keep my ass home, and when I do go out I have gloves and a mask. Always.. no excuses.
This is one of the things Joe is up against, here are a few related headlines from Today's CNN website. Mitch is up against it too, but in a different way, Mitch has the unpleasant task of delivering the coup degras to the wounded thrashing beast and he has Georgia on his mind... Keep it up Donald 72 million have got yer back, you can still shoot Uncle Sam on 5th avenue and not lose any support.
Biden wins Georgia
