HELP! kali mist leaves curling (claws), any advice?


i have one kali mist and its been flowering for about 23 days but the leaves started curling (claws) but only on the bud sites. the fan leaves are fine, anyone know what can be causing this?:wall:



Well-Known Member
nitrogen claw ........with you been 28 days in flower. tis is were youre stretch is over(wich extra nitrogen can help with) and the plant goes into full time flowering. so nitrogen is not needed in abundance. if youre using AnB for veg and bloom it can be a poian in the arse. if i know youre nutes i can. help. i get this with white widow in coco from day 14 to 30. i have to do is run a feed solution through at 1.3 ec(dropped from 1.9) i dont flush as im in canna coco. i do this for 3 to 4 days with heavy run of ne less then 30 percent run of let dry then same again next day. i also bring the lights slightly closer 15 to 18 inch(temps 77 at canopy) this help but only if you have good air flow and temps. the extra light intensity help burn away the extra nitrogen. any smaller plant i put on a box to bring up there height. then once i know the salts have gone and the coco is 1.3 ec. i then take it back to 1.8 ec over week 3 4 5 6.bY ADDING PK13/14 i biuld it up through these weeks till i peak a 1.8 ec then back down for the last 2 weeks. and no more claw. watch for them returning back to a more normal lushes green from the dark green. also the claw will not clear up in old leafs. it may here and there closer to the lights. watch youre new shade leafs and new growth. this works for me.. so if you tell us youre nutes and medium and feeding ratios or ppm ec. how often and how much ect we should be able to get this sorted.


well im just using biobizz bloom and andvanced nutrients big bud at the moment, with fox farm ocean forest fertelizer, i feed them every watering at 3\4 strghth and right now i dont have a ppm meter so i caouldnt tell you


Active Member
tooo much nitrogen my friend, if soil at this point its hard to fix, hydro a little easyier. Many have done this to their plants, me included. I've had awful issues getting back in range with organics. Alot of the time I don't give ajustments long enogh periods to take effect, resulting in overdose. Flush light with water in soil, mabey, a repeted process so you dont drown them. You dont want to flush everything out at this point in bloom so be carefull with this, also let things dry out awhile before continuing your feeding program. some reduction of feed might be in order. peace