help .... leaves are gone :/


the leaves are start to become yellow , dried and i cut them ,first at the bottom of the plant ...but now there are only few at the top which are going to turn yellow .... i put in the water iron but i think it didnt help . . . what should i do ?



at veg stage i gave them 4-6-12 and at flowering stage 4-30-0 solid furt.... and for a week i put in th water iron.... :/ what should i do ? the flower will be cut in 3 weeks i guess.... :(


Well-Known Member
it is if it happens too fast, then yes. those are what is feeding nutes to your buds (its not all JUST about the light).i would start flushing with some distilled water right away if your only 3 weeks away. you lose all your leaves now and it can quickly ruin a crop, and this close to harvest, that would blow extra hard.


Well-Known Member
stop feeding them and flush with phed water tell you harvest. if you want to hit them with sum nutrient give them very little like 1 ml per gallon


Well-Known Member
If you water them every 2 days, then your container is way too small, and your girl is most likely rootbound..

The leaves are falling off because that poor girl is in stress mode.

Next time, bigger container.

Should be watering them maybe once a week if the container is the right size.

Live and learn :)


but if there are overwatered the leaves must be like there are going down at the edge ??? am i right ??? do u think not to water them for couple of days ?? and then with distilled water ....??? :/