Help!! Leaves falling off

Arite this is my first grow and ive got a couple master kush X skunk #1 going

ive just finished ma second week of flowering and all is could except the fact i burned my top leaves cuz i was running outta space...but made a trip to home depot and raised my cabinet for more height

now the real problem...all or most of my lower leaves are dying off and beocming weak...i dont kno wats causing it and ive heard it aint too big of a deal...but a shit load of them are dying off and falling

any ideas to which i can stop this and keep my girls nice for harvest??

chek the pics see if they help

any help would be greatt thanks


Are you sure those are female?

What kind of lights are you using?

The plant looks very, very, very stretched...and no buds yet?

But I agree...insufficient lighting.


Well-Known Member
wow - mine are the same time spec as urs and i have so much bud sites, there so much bushier and all round better cond - there mega stretched and i'd be worrying that theres no buds - have u been feeding them? wot strain are they and wot lights u been using?

i wish u all the best with ur grow and hope ur pull a monster yield but by the looks of things i doubt it - sorry dude - u need any help jus ask


Active Member
if you have a desk lamp you can put some cfl's along the side of the plant
and it should help the insufficient lighting issue
there are enuff bud sites on the top of the plant
i guess i just gotta get much more light on them as soon as possible

i give em some miracle grow 12-8-12 once every 3 weeks?
should i be increasing the times i give them some feed?

ive got 210 watts of clf's on them right now...prolly need to get some desklamps and increase the lighting


Well-Known Member
What everybody is saying, not enough light penetrating the canopy. Trim that lower growth off too if you just want to focus more on the top of the plant.