HELP! Light stayed on most of the day 3 weeks into flower. Are they going to hermie?

Okay I have an indica plant going, and today something went crazy with my timer and the light (1000w hps) and the light stayed on nearly all day. It looks like the plants grew a bit during that time.

If I can keep her photo cycle 12/12 the rest of her flower cycle (roughly 6 more weeks) do you think she will remain a female? Or is it best to cut my losses and start over?

Any input, or experience inthis are would be so much appreciated! thanks in advance!


Active Member
Who knows... depends on a bunch of shit... just put it back on the cycle and see what happens... there is no way in hell you can do anything about it now but ride it out....
I can't do anything about this particular crop, but if theres a higher than likely chance it will hermie I could just start a new 1 in it's place and save myself a potential headache and a lot of work for nothing.

If she is to herm, how long would it take.. Like is she going to stop budding and start seeding immediately? Or do they usually wait till close to the end to show the signs?


def. don't cut it down... a foul up like this should not change anything... keep it going on its original cycle that you had. have had plenty of screw ups like this, but i haven't seen any major changes or problems unless its happened over several days...

overall decision is up to you though, if you will be able to sleep better at night take it down, personally I wouldn't... i'd just keep a close eye on it

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You know, it's not really the amount of light hours that affect the flowering of MJ plants, it's the dark time. You could do a 24/12 lighting cycle, and the plants would still bud, as long as they continued to get their 12 hours of continuous dark. I wouldn't worry at all.