Help! lights problem

I have a small cabinet that i have a couple of seeds in at 4 days old, they look healthy and i have them on a 18-6 light cycle and i have a light a 25w clf (120w equivalent in standard house bulb).
I have it about 2' from the top of the small plants which broke ground a couple of days ago.
I have typical potting soil with no nutrients or formula or anything as i havent researched into it yet.
My question: Is one 25w cfl (its the highest i can find here i live in a strange place due to work) enough to complete vegetative stage.
Also when I get to flowering stage, can i just add 2-3 more of the same cfl?
I really have researched this and looked on the threads partuicularly for this subject but i am a complete norbert and it all goes over my head.
I think my grow is going okay so far as the seeds have broken ground and Ive managed to be consistent with the 18-6 cycle and suss the lighting out i have a good chance of finally getting stoned again!!!!
thanks mate, ill add a couple more, when i get to flowering stage should i change the type of light because i can only find cfls here ( i live in a remote place)


Well-Known Member
As long as you don't let it grow too big (IE switch to flowering 12-12 mode very soon) 3 more CFLs will be OK. It is good that you have it inside a cabinet (with white/reflective interior I presume?) so that almost no photons go to waste. If you want to let it veg longer it'll get bigger and you'll need more lights - 6 to 8 in total would be OK for a medium sized plant. Keep in mind that it will continue to grow significantly bigger even after you switch to flowering mode.

The conventional wisdom is that for the veg period you want bluish lighting. Look for CFLs with a color temperature of 6500 K. For flowering you want reddish lighting. Look for CFLs with a color temperature around 2700 or 3000 K.


Active Member
I mixed em when I flowered with cfl's ... leave a few daylghts and use the softwhites for the rest . They work great for veg. stage but tbh ... you will get a better harvest if you put a hps over them .. even a low watt one and the cfl's on the sides will do you much better than just the cfl's ....
The conventional wisdom is that for the veg period you want bluish lighting. Look for CFLs with a color temperature of 6500 K. For flowering you want reddish lighting. Look for CFLs with a color temperature around 2700 or 3000 K.[/QUOTE]

I will be able to fit 6 lights easily, the cabinet is lined with white plastic panels (theyre hard to fix to so im using gaffa tape to fix all the lights in there).
Ill try what you suggested re: the cfls thanks for the advice mate it all helps at these early stages, finding it all a bit overwhelming but the advice re: blish red lighting Im hoping will getme through flowering stage as thats the stage im worrying about thanks mate
I hear you mate, but the problem is I cant get hps etc here, (long story!). Needless to say I can get cfls and flourescent tube lighting like in an office but the cfld are easiest to fit inside the area, whats a daylight and softlight fella? Is that a mix of blueish/redish lights ie: varying colour temp?


Well-Known Member
Yep .. Daylight is a common term fro the bluer spectrum .. and warmlight or softwhite is terms used for the red-er spectrum .. You can buy all of one spectrum for veg and all the other for flower.. or do a good mix.. I would do 60/40 mix. So if you buy 5 bulbs.. get 2 of the Daylight (Veg spectrum) and 3 Warm (flowering redder spectrum) then you dont have to switch for the whole grow.... the plants like a little blue light during flower too.. as long as you have the red for em as well.
Doha-Bill 11.06.jpg65w.jpgDoha-Ben 11.06.jpglight fix.jpgThe Boys.jpg01.jpgcool white.jpg23w.jpg I have 2 x 23w daylight cfls and a coolwhite?? bulb that looks like a really bright light its a cfl 23w? and i presumed it was the correct for flowering, it says on the box cant be used with a timer which is a bugger. Ive currently just got the 1 coolwhite and 1 daylight only as ive run out of lamp stands and need another trip to the supermarket. I bought a big 65w cfl but im strugling to find a lamp in the supermarket that will take a 65w so may have to return it. ILL LOOK OUT FOR THE WARM/SOFTLIGHT bulbs Thankyou for that gem of info, youre a kind soul helping a desperate pothead like me get hold of some nice skunk again :) oh btw theyre still small heres a pic, the top of the box is getting too hot and im gutted to cover it with foil because theyre bright white panels and i dont have a fan for it yet. Bill & Ben's New Home.jpg Im planning on running the 65w at the top, any ideas other than gaffa tape fixing, the panels of the box will just crack if i try pins etc


Well-Known Member
that looks ok you can buy a spliter at home depot or lowes or even walmart that will have two light bulbs come out of the same thing
that is a picture of one and there really cheap like 3 bucks and its called a twin splitter if you have to ask someone.Also the light bulbs all say how many k they do and i think that aslong as you buy soft white for flower and daylight for veg ur fine
Thanks mate, Ive bought a timer but one of my cfls the 'coolwhite' says it cant be used with a timer, so ive not been using it and ive been fairly sloppy with my 18-6 cycle tbh, I think ill just drop the coolwhite and put a normal veg cfl as i dont know what this bulb is??? Ive just checked the ks and its a 4100K


Well-Known Member
why not just switch to 12/12 now? i have a nice 3 plant perpetual, and i do the 12/12 from seed. topped, and about 1.5 ft. tall. thats all the bigger they get, but yeild a shit ton. GL!
I think ill try that mate nice one, the next Ill be a bit braver but I want to keep them pretty small until i can get the box finished, theres no air or anything going in or out at the moment and the top of the ox is getting hot?


Well-Known Member
ya...its always good to experiment with them. you may not like topping because you dont want a bush, or you may not want to veg becuz flushing whatever the reason every grower should find out what they like. dont ever think " o well uncle ben does it , so it must be the best" find your groove, and roll with it. o and you can check out my grow i just posted recent pics today....the thread is "good so far?" and it is in here.


Well-Known Member
TRY to use that big 65 watt cfl in there.. it will really pay off in flower.. also dont go to 12/12 till you have your timers / lightproofing done or you will have a ton of problems. Im sure you can use that light bulb with a timer also..