Help mag or cal def???-pics


hey need some advice i am pretty sure i got a mag deficency but i am not positive need some expert advice. just for some backround info i am runnin botanicare pro grow my res is kept between 5.5-6 and i am using t12 6500k flourescent tubes. the older leavs are the first effected i added some epsom salt about an hour ago incase i was right with my mag deficiency diagnosis but i need some expert opinion to make sure



Well-Known Member
do u think u have a def or tox? cuz your treating it for tox. i would just buy cal mag plus. its cheap and good.


Well-Known Member
in other words your puting epsom in there. you should do that if you have givin too much mag or cal.


New Member
I could be wrong but, I think giving epsom salts IS giving Mag to the plants if I'm not mistaken. I'm having the same problem with mine right now. I can't really tell ya............I've never had the problem before, but I changed soil's so.........could be anything...


you put epsom in if u have a mag deficiency not toxicity i just want to make sure that i have a mag deficiancy the epsom salt wont hurt the plants either way but i figured better safe then sorry .........any other opinions?


New Member
Well I just added 1/2 teaspoon of cal/mag in a quart and foilar fed the (bottem) infected leafs. Some seem to be hanging on and some are too far gone. I don't think you get the green back when it's over 50% gone but, that my not be true.


like the plant turns yellow then dies into brown, does the plant have any newer leaves that are a bit distorted?


ya i had it happen to some of mine before your right the cal/mag work great the older leaves will die offbut as the plant gets bigger trimming helps keep the plant at bay just gott show the plant whos boss lol


sorry about that, well not to sure basic tap water has calcium do you usually use distilled or "clean water" cuz usually you would just use pure distilled beside tap but regular tap water out of the sink has calcium so mix your ro water with tap to even it out.