Help make michigan medical marijuana better!


Active Member
If everyone used these products the world would be a better place. There cheap, organic, and scientifically formulated to make your plants thrive even in bad conditions. They won’t burn your plants or cause lockout. They give your plants all the tools necessary to produce the best buds possible. Check them out.

Fish emulsion 5-1-1.5: Fish Emulsion is a 100% natural liquid fertilizer that’s great on soils, sprouts and mature plants as well as lawns, vegetable gardens, and flowers. With successful treatment, Fish Emulsion is proven to help your plants grow bigger and stronger than they ever have before!
* Trace minerals improve the food nutrient capability of soil microbes
* These microbes then produce more plant building blocks
* Roots grow stronger and healthier
* Rate and amount of top growth is improved
* Plants become stronger, larger, and more vibrant
* Healthier plants grow better crops, resulting in higher production yields
* Safe to store, apply, and use anywhere
Application: For best results, dilute liquid 4 parts fertilizer to 1 part water. One gallon of concentrate can treat up to 10,000 square feet. Apply as you would any type of fertilizer, directly pouring or spraying onto leaves, stems, and root soil anywhere you need to achieve extra fertilization. Safe for people, pets, and wildlife, you can use your lawn or garden immediately after application.
How it Works: Fish Emulsion is a high nutrient, organic fertilizer with a Nitrogen-Phosphate-Potassium ratio (N-P-K) of 5-1-1. The nitrogen serves as a rich organic base, with the phosphate and potassium serving as soluble food for soil microorganisms. The end result of which is a healthier soil content which promotes stronger and larger plant growth.
8% Fulvic acid: Fulvic acid is a low molecular weight humate with unique properties. It forms soluble complexes with metal ions and can be taken up directly by plants' roots even in an acidic environment. All other humic acids are insoluble in acids. Fulvic acid is the only humate shown to have significant biological activity in the transport of nutrients. It is taken up preferentially by the plant and is much more readily transported to the growing shoot where it accumulates with its nutrient load. The hormone-like activity is evident within fairly low rate limits. Research indicates an application rate of 5% of the total nutrient application rate. For example, in liquid fertilizers of 500 ppm concentration of actual nutrients, add 25 ppm Fulvic acid.

Huma-kelp: Huma-Kelp is a combination of Humic Acid and fresh KELPAK concentrate. The resulting product offers the benefits of both these ingredients. Humic acid improves soil physical properties, regulates the supply and availability of nutrients and stimulates soil micro-organisms. It is derived from peat in its natural state. It has not been altered and thus contains all the humic substances including humic and Fulvic acids. The general application rate is 3 quarts per acre repeated 2 to 3 times during the season as a foliar spray or applied through the irrigation system.
Coconut EZ Gro Bags: This product has been listed by OMRI as Fibre Dust Natural Growing Medium and is Allowed for use in organic production in the category of Transplant Media - nonsynthetic. This media is also called: Coconut Coir, Coconut fiber, Ground Coir Dust or Coir Fiber Pith. It is 100% organic, and is a renewable resource from the husk of coconuts. It has been washed, screened, graded and compressed. This media is a proven natural alternative to Peat Moss, Sphagnum Peat, Rockwool, Perlite and many other Medias. It has excellent aeration, consistency and is easy to handle. Some of the benefits to the EZ Gro Bags; Filling bags with media can be very labor intensive. Just drop in the sprayer and let it fill up by itself. EZ Gro Bags already have drain holes and don't require additional preparation. Coconut fiber has much better capillary properties than other growing medias. EZ Gro Bags are very price competitive considering media, bag & labor. Shipping expanded bags of media, such as Rockwool or Perlite can be very expensive.



Active Member
its not spam. its great stuff i actualy use. i just wana spread the word and help people. its not expensive, hard to use, or harmful in any way. these products changed the way i grow and saved me alot of money. i just want others experence the miracles.....ya dig
shit works good too.i bet you arent even in michigan.these boys got you pegged.i dont even know what spam means but i wonder if you really want to save the world.maybe you do sounds fishy


f that fish emulsion stinks i dont give a fart how well it may work. glad you found something that works for you but i aint usin the nasty smellin crap.
should be more scared of a Northern then someone from the city, we can skin an animal like noones business. Skinny little black boy would go real nice in the smokehouse next to the venison


Active Member
do you know where alpena is???? by the way im white..... norethern michigan isnt very scary unless you get scared by a car driveing by once a week or a deer