Help! MALE OR FEMALE? Pro's needed..


Active Member
Ok so my plant is several days over 2 months veg and so far I'm not seeing anything that looks like staminate or pistils.

228 watts, 20/4 cycle

any opinions?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a female to me, but I don't think you'll definitively find out until you switch lighting schedules. Looks good, man.


Well-Known Member
ur on a 20/4 light cycle? u prob wont get any signs of flowering until turn it to 12/12.


New Member
Well, ill tell you i saw those exact same things on my plant in the first couple of days of flowering to later show me that it was a girl. So in my experience that apears to be a female. But yes you have to flower for a good week or two before you see real "pistils".


Well-Known Member
the second and third photo show shows of it being a female. You can see the white pistols starting to poke out. trust me it is a female.


Well-Known Member
i've been going thru sorting mine out the last few days & just got finished looking @ the diff. between male & female pre-flowers thru a mag-glass. i'm no expert but from what i get from it, those are female pre-flowers


Well-Known Member
I agree looks female to me...on a side note I am pretty stoned but does anyone else see what looks like an ant in the 3rd photo?


Active Member
lol, no it was just a piece of soil, not an ant.

Thanks alot for the input guys. I think I'm going to try and veg it a little longer, just so it gets bigger.. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
about how long does it take for a vegging plant to show signs of sex?

like many i just have one room for flower and veg so i need to be very particular about the sexes and eliminating the males.


Well-Known Member
the whole point in growing is that you work out your females before you start flowering, you can tell before you start flowering easily if you see a white hair no matter how small its a female, all preflowers look the same when they first appear but if it s a female will show a hair after while