Help me choose corect fans


hello everyone, first time asking questions about grow room.
I am trying to make a grow tent in my room. I bought a cloth closet about 150cm*75cm*45cm.
So I have to pick a fan about 0.475m3/min. that's a about 18-20 cfm fan.
but...question is The least cfm I can buy is 52cfm, that's a computer fan.
Is a computer fan OK for my situation? Or I just have to buy a 150cfm 4 inch fan with a controller?

ps: Maybe my grow tent is too smal lol


Well-Known Member
Pretty small grow tent alright so the computer fan should do the trick assuming your not going to run a 1000W HPS in there. ;)

You can get a nice sized computer fan with a 3 speed switch on it or a regular one and use a variable voltage wall wart power supply to change the speeds then you get 5 or 6 settings. I have a couple of those for blowing air on clones and seedlings and can have a very gentle breeze or tornado warning winds. Very handy.

You can use a computer power supply too but then only have 5 or 12V. You just jump the green wire on the motherboard plug to any black wire to make it think it's in a computer and could run lots of fans with that.

Good luck!


Pretty small grow tent alright so the computer fan should do the trick assuming your not going to run a 1000W HPS in there. ;)

You can get a nice sized computer fan with a 3 speed switch on it or a regular one and use a variable voltage wall wart power supply to change the speeds then you get 5 or 6 settings. I have a couple of those for blowing air on clones and seedlings and can have a very gentle breeze or tornado warning winds. Very handy.

You can use a computer power supply too but then only have 5 or 12V. You just jump the green wire on the motherboard plug to any black wire to make it think it's in a computer and could run lots of fans with that.

Good luck!
Hah,thx for reply.
Is a fan like this would work?
I see someone just put a fan like this in the tent on youtube.


Well-Known Member
That should work. A computer fan has nice mounting holes on the corners but with some imagination you can probably duct tape that one in place somehow. Make Red Green proud! :D

Logging off so good night. pass.gif


Well-Known Member
if you're lucky enough to choose your own fans I'd choose the ones with little waists and bit tits, quiet types, with long hair and no bra and little to complain of.

oh, fans blow air, you can duct it even, to the hole, even if the fan is bigger than the hole, with dryer duct or duct tape or real live ducts even.