Help me diagnose my baby! (Pics)


Active Member
So, I have been vegging this plant for about 2 weeks now since I bought this clone from the club. It is either afgoo or pacific sunrise, maybe one of you could tell me. This is my first grow, I'm using a 600watt hps light and miricle grow soil along with a nitrogen supplement. I have been very causcious not to over water and only a few days ago the bottom fan leaves were showing a nitrogen deficiency because I wanted to learn how much water the plant truly needs.
On the the problematic symptoms... new growth is defmormed/twisted and the edges of the leaves are folding upward (magnesium?) with the tips showing signs of yellowing. Also, some of the top stem shoots are reddish/purple in color.
Please help guide me in the right direction.
Room temp: constant 80 degrees
Humidity: 45%
Ph: ~7 (with a ghetto reader, I just bought some ph down as I thought I may have nutrient lock.
Thanks for taking the time to help out a fellow stoner!



Active Member
pics are up, i really dont think its nute burn as I have only been using straight water until last week when I started using nitrogen and no other ferts.


is that a hps is veg? that spectrum looks off and its too far away from the light in that stage. you might have a problem with nutes if its miracle grow, hopefully you bought the organic mix, MG has chems in it already and you're probably overdoing it when its that young. Flush and whats up with that light source?


Active Member
The light is fine, although I was wondering if I should move it closer yet since its such a powerful bulb for so little space. The reason the spectrum looks all weird is because of my phone, the way it looks in person is much different


is it blue then? and i figured you took it with a camera phone with those lines in the pic...have you inspected the leaves for insects?


Active Member
Well it is a HPS lgiht so it isnt blue its more in the red/orange spectrum. I have inspected for bugs.. nothing.


I asked you, you said it was a HPS isn't fine for a vegitating plant sir. your growth has been stunted.


if it is to survive it needs to be put in 24 hour light with a cool blue spectrum for a week, atleast. then it needs some 18/6 love for however long you feel...then its ready to flower with that hps.


Active Member
okay honestely I know enough to know that this plant should be able to grow fine under an HPS although it is not ideal. The problem is definitely NOT light related..... someone experienced a bit more wanna shine some light here? I've read through that entire guide already, I just do not want to end up misdiagnosing the plant and adding insult to injury.


whats the light schedule on? and its just a question to get closer to your diagnosis, please dont take offense.


Active Member
Ah sorry bout that, but thankyou for helping me out. It's been on a 24hr schedule and I have been slowly decreasing the distance between the light and the plant to slowly adjust it.


Well-Known Member
My opinion,

Back off the nutes. The dark green color is too much nitrogen, and turn that dam fan OFF. I cant believe how many people put fans on there plants when it in not needed and they dry out the leaves. Even kill a plant. Think of a plant on the top of a hill where it is always windy, then one down in the valley. Whitch one grows better?

How about you? do you breathe better in a windstorm or a gentle breeze?

"A fan will strengthen the stalk" BS

If the roots have nutrients and the light is positioned properly the stalk will be fine. You use a fan to circulate the air in the grow room to help deliver co2 to the stoma or to bring humidity down. Not create a wind tunnel.

I am talking from experience, not what I read.

As for the little blotches of color on the leaf it wont go away. forget about it.
Once you flush for a few days and get your ph right it will be fine.

Sorry about ranting there but man, so many people do this. It is almost as common as over watering.


Active Member
hah well thankyou for the rant and nice analogy, I just moved the fan higher so it just assists in exhausting hot air.


Well-Known Member
Just to add, you CAN do fine vegging with HPS. It is always good to supplement to some CFL's in the higher kelvin rating, but o worrie. I am still thinking it has to do with the nutes. MG can be hard on plants. Just a though, but try flushing and see where it leads you. Cheers man.


you wont get much out of a hps in veg, thats for damn sure. Adding higher kelvin would help but its just a bad setup if you mix the two IMO. I don't think any pro would veg with hps period. I guarantee its got do with the light and that little space getting blasted by the fan. I used to have one of those and they work just fine for a space bigger than 2'x5' whatever that is.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
My opinion,

Back off the nutes. The dark green color is too much nitrogen, and turn that dam fan OFF. I cant believe how many people put fans on there plants when it in not needed and they dry out the leaves. Even kill a plant. Think of a plant on the top of a hill where it is always windy, then one down in the valley. Whitch one grows better?

How about you? do you breathe better in a windstorm or a gentle breeze?

"A fan will strengthen the stalk" BS

If the roots have nutrients and the light is positioned properly the stalk will be fine. You use a fan to circulate the air in the grow room to help deliver co2 to the stoma or to bring humidity down. Not create a wind tunnel.

I am talking from experience, not what I read.

As for the little blotches of color on the leaf it wont go away. forget about it.
Once you flush for a few days and get your ph right it will be fine.

Sorry about ranting there but man, so many people do this. It is almost as common as over watering.
I think you are on to something here girls are 2 weeks old today (most of them anyway) and I have been using a small fan blowing directly on the plants because I heard it strengthens the stem. I have started developing strange patches of discoloration/deformation on a couple plants...

The humidity in my room hovers around 20%, and the temp 82-85 daytime. I had a small fan blowing directly on them, and think it may be to blame for this deformation because the leaves are getting too dessicated with the wind and low humidity.

In both cases, the only area of the plant affected is the original set of serrated leaves. There are 9 others of similar age in the same space showing no sign of this deformation/discoloration.

I have 8 26-watt cfl's, 2 24w t5 ho, two 65 cfl (2700k) and 1 150w hps (running approx. 1/2 of light cycle every day). The cfl's are anywhere from 1-6" from plants, and the hps is around 12" and only used supplementally.

No nutes, only h20. Has been 7 days since upcan/watering, and soil is still too moist to water again. Using FF Ocean Forest mixed with extra perlite.

I moved the fan today to blow above the plants--still moves air over them, but doesn't hit them directly.

Any other suggestions/comments would be appreciated!
