Help me figure this out.


Active Member
Hey all, a friend of mine is having a major problem in his veg.
his plants don't grow and are turning brown and shriveling up.
Here is what he has them vegging under, 5-600watt LEDs, 24 hour veg, Co2 at 1500 ppms.
Using canna coco and others In perlite.

I suggested to change lights to 18/6, cut off co2 all together and transplant the perlite plants to soil(fox farms)
And go with 5.8 ph water for the first weeks or two. Just to get them out of the funk.

Does my plan sound right or has anyone Else ran into this problem before? Need to save these sorry girls and give them another chance.


New Member
Pictures or else most of us can't help. None of those things you mentioned to him as solutions seems to be a problem. Light cycle, medium, pH, and Co2 are all fine and transplanting them right now will do more harm than good. The plants are in shock right need to shock them more.

I am not familiar with LED's so I can't speak to that but I have never heard of them doing that to plants. Need pictures to see distance of light from plants and the state of the leaves. Also need to know the current pH he has been feeding them and what/if any nutes he's been giving them.

Need more info and pics please...:)


Active Member
Yeah i second phil, everything seems cool. Id flush for a few days and see if it comes out of it. how long have they been in this funk? something must have stressed them, too much clipping or maybe temp changes or a change in its environment somehow.


Well-Known Member
Hey, sounds like it could be over fert as mentioned but more info is definitely needed for the right answer. I've never used it Ph neutral? What Ph is he watering with? I like promix for soiless as it is Ph neutral...very easy to work with and achieve amazing results.