help me find a Adjustable Mesh Shelf for low stress training for my veg box?


help me find a Adjustable Mesh Shelf for low stress training for my veg box?

this is the veg pc box but i want to fully grow in it it has everything but a mesh shelf for low stress training help me find please!

they offer one that comes with it but the price is way to much so fuck that i will just have to find a mesh shelf of my own!

i am aware that i could build one for much less in cost but lets just say im not good at building shit i could prolly do everything but the fans cause electric shit confuses me and im bad at it lol so if yall know of a place where i can get a mesh shelf that would be great thx!


Active Member
I solved my LST issue by altering the method a little. I cut a bunch of wire hangers into lengths about 6" long then bent them into a U shape. Use these U's to pin the plants to the soil. As they grow, add more pins to keep the plant as short or as tall as you want it. I'll get pics if you're interested.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
get some 1x1 build a frame in the dimensions u need then get a small piece of chicken wire and staple it to the frame hang from chains poof ur dun,can be any size needed

another way to make the frame if u dont want to use wood is 1/2" pvc tubing then secure the chicken wire with zip ties or some such

quick easy and cheap cant go wrong :leaf:

hope it helps:weed:


damn isnt chickin wire harsh? i remember it bein harsh as fuck but i could be wrong i hate chickens so ya lol


Well-Known Member
nah its not harsh it works fine,if ur worried u can always use stucco wire or some heavier wire fencing tho they will be a bit more expensive,as i said ive seen chicken wire used alot and works fine,its mostly all preference :)
