If you don’t want to use liquid fertilizers than you’ll need to add some dry amendments to this mix, can’t tell what the consistency of it is but it would work as a base I bet. Most definitely will need to add a ph buffering amendment, Dolomite lime is cheapest and works. You’ll want to add a good compost to it too. Honestly you’re probably better off just buying a bale of peat and working off that unless those bags are crazy cheap.
Try Gaia for organic nutes, Black Sparrow Soils in Canada specializes in organic soils and ammendments. Perlite will help you soil from being compacted, vermiculite works too, and contains silica.
I see that the ingredients are pest moss spraghum, perlite and aged bark. If you want to make an only water mix with this bag you need to add a couple of things:
Earthworm castings and or compost
Some dry organic amendments like down to earth rose and flower.
Dolomitic lime for ph as peat is 4.5 ph, id add kelp flour and fulvic acid also. To roundit out, dont forget mycorhyzha. And as a reminder when using worm castings, if you find little balls in soil its worm eggs from red wigglers, dont kill them.
I hate you BC guys. You get everything in Canada first like this. In all seriousness, what does it look like? For example, lots of course material and perlite? Or is it fine like seeding material? It looks a lot like Quebec's "Promix Organic Herb and Vegetable", which is the only source from Canadian TIre here. lol
im an Ontarioan, what about grow shop? Perlite is white ovalish and very light. Vermiculite looks silvery squarish and silver, used to be used as insulation.
im an Ontarioan, what about grow shop? Perlite is white ovalish and very light. Vermiculite looks silvery squarish and silver, used to be used as insulation.