Help me nail-down strains I like...ass farts


Well-Known Member
I was debating between posting this here or the 'what are you smoking' forum. This felt better..Move if need be..

I know, strange topic. Sounds ok in my head.

Anyways, I always hear people say things like 'Kush' is my favorite. Or 'OGs' are my fav. Is this to say that all kushes' have a distinct taste/smell? And all OGs have a distinct taste/smell? This question(s) would also pertain to hazes and diesels. Now, with diesel I think the name is to imply the strains taste/smell of diesel. Right? Right! I always assumed that.. So that ones easy assuming that's true.
Moving on..
I watched something on YT explaining the 4 types of cannabis terp profiles in the market.(may have been KJ) and I tend to follow the thought

Fuel, gas, diesel, tar, baby shit, dog shit, egg farts. etc. These are the strains I thrive to grow and smoke. Strains that when someone walks in the room its like a bull of crap being smoked. I know this sounds gross and why would someone want something they're describing as smelling like shit or gas. But I think most growers and/or smokers know what I'm driving at.

**The second 'terp profile' I love is floral. And what I'm going to say is contradicting because I HATE when a chic wears so much perfume that I get an instant headache. I shouldn't be able to smell you unless I am hugging you. If you have swamp crotch take a shower and use some powder. Reminds me of old Grandmas..
With that said; I love weed that when I smoke it I get a bitter chemical taste like I got flowery perfume or some chics body spray in my mouth. Or the taste of a rose peddle(No idea how I can imagine that) Guess this would fall under the floral category.

I ask because I am constantly popping seeds trying to find these flavors. I have succeed over many years of growing. But mostly it just turns out to be more work then the payout. Sexing plants, picking the strongest, taking clones to hold over till you kow if its worth keeping. etc. I don't have the time, room or honestly, the care to any longer. So I am going to buy some clones. Albeit way out of my price range, it's something I need to do to get back on track. I killed the last batch I got from Calif.

When I left Colorado I wasn't able to take anything I had. So all my keeper strains were tossed.. Now, I do live in a mmj state and can get clones locally. However there is nothing that really gets me hard. Just kinda boring stuff. IMO. I work there so I have seen them all 1st hand. I know I can't go based on the strain name only.
I wanna get on the MAC1, dosido, gelato train. These new(relative) super frost-monster, resin railed on the lowers type strains you see on IG being concokted in N. America.

When I started growing(in CO.) I kinda pigeon-holed myself into only smoking the strains I grew from seed. Not leaving me the $ to try top shelf strains. I don't know that I've ever smoked real cookies, or glue or blue dream even. The strain they love to hate...

God damn I can ramble on. So anyways..what should I look for when buying clones that I want to meet the tastes i have described?
Like kush should *always taste like...?
Haze should always taste like...?
OGs should...
Any and all info is appreciated..

Something else I can do without: after-shave and cologne, and this disgusting shit that men put on their bodies. Just what I need in the elevator, some guy standing next to me smells like a fucking pine tree. I say go home and wash you smelly prick. You smell like the urinal in a Portuguese cat-house. God-damn guys are stupid. Guys are really fucking dumb. They think they’re going to get laid with this stuff you know. Oh yeah, they put it on at home thinking: oh boy, oh boy, I’ll get laid tonight. I’ll get laid tonight. You don’t get laid with green shit that comes out of a bottle okay? The only smell that’s going to help you get laid might be your own natural scent. You have pheromones. It’s a secondary sex characteristic. people in America, they’re all nervous about sex. They want to cover it up and disguise it. Guys in Europe, they know how to live. Guy gets in an elevator over there, he smells like a pile of dog shit, those people are sophisticated!
-George Carlin

*And I know that there are a million crosses and phenos of kush, og, haze, etc. And there is no way to nail down terp profiles based on a name. I'm just talking loosely about what is normally know about 'groups' of genetics.
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i mean theres a lot of strains that will check all the boxes youre looking for, and youre on the right track. OGs almost always have skunky fuel-ey piney and citrus type terps, which are some of my faves. folks at nurseries/dispensaries often have knowledge on this stuff is also useful in figuring out genetic and terp preferences
I just picked up a couple packs of nirvana's pure power plant because back in 08 I found a kickass pheno. Shit smelled like baby shit but had great flavor like honeycomb cereal or something.

Super dense buds too. I'd give folks an eighth and they'd make me weigh it in front of them cuz it looked like a gram or 2.

Gonna see if I can find something close to that. Had a good positive sativa style stone.
I think from your description you would like GMO (chem D cookies) or any gmo crosses might have potential. It has a funk that is hard to describe but sounds right up your alley. I have a cross between sin mint Cookies and gmo called modified mints I love and has a distinct funk mixed with citrus tones as well. Meat Breath I got from dispensary definitely had a meaty funky smell.

As to the clones just be careful of bugs I'm kinda scared to take in any as I had a mishap a while back and now I just pheno hunt for really special mom's. It is a lot of work and I wish I could trust clones. I find it worth it though as I'm very picky and don't care for many of the popular strains.

Ice cream cake seems to be what a lot of people here are cash cropping atm. It must yield pretty good or something as I've smoked it a few times and didn't find it special but it is pretty. Gorilla cake makes me stupid tired so if that's needed that could be a good one. Mac1 is Fire. Gelato...ehh okay.

Runtz is the cut I finally broke down and took in that brought the Borg with it. Smh, but I'd still like to have a clean cut of it. Just cause I wanna see what all the hype is about.
Thats what I am looking for. And Kush? How would you describe Kush.
Thanks for the input

OG and Kush are pretty synonymous, unless you are talking about landrace strains from the hindu kush mountains which are broadleaf indicas. In the US, most legit OG cuts are lanky/viney plants that take some skill to keep happy and reach full potential.

Most knowledgeable growers these days that talking about Kush are referring to OG Kush...other people like lame black market dealers will just add "kush" to anything for marketing purposes. SFV, Legend, Valley, Fire, Hells Angels, Irene, Skywalker, Malibu PK, 92OG, TK, are the ones you want to source.
OG and Kush are pretty synonymous, unless you are talking about landrace strains from the hindu kush mountains which are broadleaf indicas. In the US, most legit OG cuts are lanky/viney plants that take some skill to keep happy and reach full potential.

Most knowledgeable growers these days that talking about Kush are referring to OG Kush...other people like lame black market dealers will just add "kush" to anything for marketing purposes. SFV, Legend, Valley, Fire, Hells Angels, Irene, Skywalker, Malibu PK, 92OG, TK, are the ones you want to source.
Great info! Thats what I was looking for. I'll stick with og's and kushs'. og kush. lol

I've always wanted to grow some SFV. Mostly because the 1st part of my life was in the SFV
bodhi just dropped "booty", which is supposed to smell like a "butthole". a member here who tested them said it smells like durian fruit- i had to google what a durian fruit smells like, but from what i gather, the smell has been compared to sewage, rotting flesh and pungent cheese. only for the sickos i guess... i had to pick up a pack.
Butthole for everyone.