Help me on my setup please


I have a very limited space on the roof for this setup.
That's why it will look really odd.
I'll be using 400 MH veggin and 400 HPS for flower.

1. Does it make sense to grow 6 plants in this box ? (4x 4,5 x 5 feets)
2. I'll be hanging the lamp from 10 cm.'s away from the ceiling. Will I burn them ?
3. If I 'm about to make a mistake, can You please tell me how it should be ?

Thanks in advance for Your replies.



Well-Known Member
You can do 6 easy. But ether short veg or LST. Your only going to have at max 3' of grow higth. And you don't want to have your light fixed at 10cm. Need it low and bring it up as plants grow.


Well-Known Member
So your box is only 5 feet tall that makes things difficult can you make it taller or is it already built?? So at 5 feet your plants can only get 3feet tall at max so you going have to Veg for only like a week maybe two max.. Be way easyer in a taller box but its do able no doubt.......good luck


Thanks to both of You for the replies.
I'll build this box, and I'm doing it at the top of where I live.
I have no space to make a taller one.

Max 2 weeks of veggin is really short right ?
I think I'll need to scrog or lst. (both sounds like an alien technology for me)
Its my first indoor attempt, and I just cant afford to fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
LST is easy. Your just tying it down so the growth is lateral not virticle for awhile. Makes a short fat bush. Scrog you are weaving the branches like you do with grapes. Good luck on your first grow.