help me out . cob led guys . looking to build my own led .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
i have no idea what i am doing with building my own led . i do know how to solder and attach wiring . i need help selecting led chips and power supplies ?? and a board to place it on . i am looking at this website . i can buy a lot of them make a full spectrum light . my goal is to make a light out of these that will out preform 6000 watt hps ! i can make more then one light or 1 huge one trying to fill a 12/12 foot room 8 foot height . any help is welcome . point me in the right direction . i expect to spend 2000 bucks . if the website i posted is junk please post away . i know a lot of you made your own led kits . thanks !
That's a major upgrade!
Just curious, what are your expectations for the new lighting? Better yield? Better quality? Less heat? Money saved on electricity from lights & cooling?
I run mostly HID lighting and will be upgrading to LED this spring. For me it's all about managing the heat during warm months because I don't use AC.
last harvest my damn ac ran 12 hours straight ! and its 4000 watts alone ! so why am i using the hps ? i could run these leds save some serious electricity . i have done a led grow with a cheap china meizha led results were fantastic and a lot cooler then a 600 hps actually the sugar resins were great compared to the hps . but u contribute that from the led being a full spectrum light . serioussly the quality i would say was better then the hps from less heat in the room .
i am thinking 30 . 100 watt chips will be about the same as a 6000 watt hps ? actually more . i am reading 1 .. .unit 100 watt = the same as a 250 hps. but the par out put would not be the same not sure . so i would actually run 40 units to make up the differences lol . question is . it will be 4000 watts actual power draw . so led run a lot cooler then hps or mh because led do not burn a gas inside the bulb so i would have to guess total heat would be about the same as a 2000 watt hps ? or a lot less . what are you opinions ? do you think 40 /100 units will do it ?
I've just built my LED fixture using 16x CXB3590's. If you're looking to learn some more about designing an LED solution, I highly recommend you watch the videos "gromau5" has on his YouTube channel under that name. He designs his own fixtures and provides a wealth of information about LEDs, as well as results. He is also on these forums.
last harvest my damn ac ran 12 hours straight ! and its 4000 watts alone ! so why am i using the hps ? i could run these leds save some serious electricity . i have done a led grow with a cheap china meizha led results were fantastic and a lot cooler then a 600 hps actually the sugar resins were great compared to the hps . but u contribute that from the led being a full spectrum light . seriously the quality i would say was better then the hps from less heat in the room .

Well of course the led out performed if you had heat issues lol heat is a crop killer. Now assume you have your heat in check under a 1k, do you still think the led will outperform? Just curious of your opinion personally I've never used leds but i did recently get a couple of these compact leds for side lighting. The style with like 12 blue and red dots on a shower head shape bulb.. are those any good?!
yes i think the led will be a lot better . and the quality will be a lot better . e bill will be much less . quality on the plants vs hps hasa lot more sugar resins double . the led has a lot more blue in it and uv i contribute that to the sugar .
You would have a more targeted audience with your question if you posted in the sub forum "LED and other lighting" in the indoor growing section.
Watch growmau5 videos. He's just uploaded a new build starting today. It's for a 4x4 but you can scale it up. You'll need a name brand COB so that you know what your giving your plants is correct in terms of output and spectrum.
Ive asked for build advice but you're better off just copying what someone else has as there's no real support because there's so many different ways you can go