Help me out guys (leaves going bad)

Not sure why they keep changing colors and rising. I’ve tried a few things. I’ve heard it’s maybe from over watering. So I decided to let them droop before watering again. I have 5 gallon fabric pots and I’m starting to water almost every 2-3 days now. Using Fox Farm soil with Advanced Nutes.


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what’s your light that little piece in your hand is prob too low for sufficient light. Me personally I would cut that off. Either for a clone. Or just to not waste time with popcorn nugs later
i feel like the plant in general looks good from that picture. The leaves that are blasted could be ending their cycle and damaged from over/underwatering. The top looks good. I’d turn that hps to 1000 if you have a 1000w bulb. It messes with your light spectrum. Are you having heat issues and that’s why you have it down?
Not Sure where he's at but so you can know a bit more.....

I can tell you he is having heat issues as to why he has it down.
I said if you had issues and those leaves were damaged (dried up and crinkled) they are likely not going to don't worry about them..the rest of the plant is looking fine...
I work with him and recommended he come to you guys for more guidance
I told him exactly the same thing...Overwatering is or rather was his issue...he was watering EVERYday.
I told him no..stop..cause they were drooping every day at work when he reported..
He told me he was having heat issues so he dimmed them to 600w.

he states he hasn't fed now for 2 days and it's worsening so I said yo...Post up and see what you guys have to add in on the conversation...

What's your PH
He told me he buys his water Already PH'ed. and it's at 5.5-6
I would suggest buying a 600w bulb if running at 600. Spectrums will be off Aside from the issue. I think he’s prob corrected the issue and the leaves in question where compromised and just ending. From what I can see his new growth looks good not too dark, not too light. Little clawing but I think if he gets his watering right and his light dialed he should be good
I would suggest buying a 600w bulb if running at 600. Spectrums will be off Aside from the issue. I think he’s prob corrected the issue and the leaves in question where compromised and just ending. From what I can see his new growth looks good not too dark, not too light. Little clawing but I think if he gets his watering right and his light dialed he should be good

He just bought a 12k BTU AC (4x4 grow tent) so he should be good to start running at full 1000w.
Not sure if he has installed it or not this was talk on Wednesday before TurkeyDay Break..

He was stressing over the yellowing spreading and it's probably a process that will shortly reverse itself once the watering has started properly being treated.

I sent him a text to get back while you were still

He hasn't replied so he must be tied up..but if he needs anything else I'm sure he will post back..

Thanks for Helping out
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I get the heat issue I ran 2x 1000w hps. Sometimes leaves ganked by heat and watering issues just have to run their course. I think you’re going to be just fine when you get it dialed
I have an ac. I haven’t installed it yet. Trying to see how my light bill situation will come about. But the HPS is very hot. Between 75 while sleeping and 90 while awake
If you can get it to 75-80 that would help them a lot. But I have a feeling if you’re in a 4x4 or 5x5 you’ll be in the 80-85 range. Which is ok too. I did that for years. You will most likely have an rh block of 35% if you have an ac blowing in your tent. That should be fine too if you have the right strain. If that’s the case watch your nutes and you should be able to compensate for the lower humidity
OUTside Temperatures affect INside temperatures.

If it's 85 Outside then it is 90 inside or hotter (without AC) so, we Use AC

Looking at your Post...You said they are sleeping and they shouldn't be sleeping now.

They should be on a schedule of Sleeping when the temperatures outside are at their HOTTEST.
Cause the Lights Inside should be OFF to NOT Escalate the HEAT
By turning Lights out in the Day...You Drop the Temperatures in the Tent from 4 to 7 Degrees

Having them on a Midnight to Noon Lights On will Cut down most of Your Heat problems cause the Lights will be on at the Coolest times Outside, which I have done the work myself and it makes a big difference.

The good thing, the next month brings cool and cold temperatures in this HOT Ass Dessert. Bill will drop substantially, and inside will cool down and remain cooler.

I told you...MANIPULATE Your lights Yo...there is more ways to do so..