OUTside Temperatures affect INside temperatures.
If it's 85 Outside then it is 90 inside or hotter (without AC) so, we Use AC
Looking at your Post...You said they are sleeping and they shouldn't be sleeping now.
They should be on a schedule of Sleeping when the temperatures outside are at their HOTTEST.
Cause the Lights Inside should be OFF to NOT Escalate the HEAT
By turning Lights out in the Day...You Drop the Temperatures in the Tent from 4 to 7 Degrees
Having them on a Midnight to Noon Lights On will Cut down most of Your Heat problems cause the Lights will be on at the Coolest times Outside, which I have done the work myself and it makes a big difference.
The good thing, the next month brings cool and cold temperatures in this HOT Ass Dessert. Bill will drop substantially, and inside will cool down and remain cooler.
I told you...MANIPULATE Your lights Yo...there is more ways to do so..