help me out im new to this


Active Member
ok, im 18 and live at home with my parents and i wanna start growing. my parents dont approve of me smoking but i think i found the perfect way to hide my plants. we have an old dishwasher that is used as a tv stand for my tv. i was thinking about making a couple holes in the backside which cannot be seen for ventilation. any ideas to prevent my parents smelling the plants but still having enough ventilation for the plants to flourish?


Well-Known Member
trying to conceal the smell right under someone's nose is going to be tough. i think you'll have to use a carbon filter. you can keep it inside the grow and make sure all the air gets sucked up through it before exhausting it.

now that i tried to answer your question, i would be remiss if i didn't add a warning or admonishment... it is very, very bad judgement to betray your parents trust by growing without their permission in their own home. Do you realize that you are risking everything - including their house - by growing?

maybe you should consider doing a guerilla-style outdoor grow off your parents property?

anyway - that's my two cents....