Help me pick the best carbon filter? phresh having issues on amazon?


I have a 2x4x5.5 tent and I'm planning on getting either 4 or 6 carbon filter to go with a t4 aircloud fan. I've been looking up info and I see a lot of people recommend Phresh filters but right now it seems Phresh on Amazon is getting a lot of bad reviews from people saying they are receiving dented and low quality filters. I saw a few threads about it on reddit as well and some suggesting amazon is selling factory seconds. My next option is a Can filter from my local hydro store. Will a Can filter work as good as Phresh or should I take my chances on Amazon and phresh? Seems like they only carry can filters at the store. Would you get 4" or 6" for 2x4x5.5 tent?


Well-Known Member
It looks new on first appearance.
Might be just a new dust cover though. hard to tell with these things.
Sometimes you might get rust from constant moisture but you can also get that from them been stored in poor conditions.
Very helpful. She said she never got around to using it. Just been sitting in her garage.


Well-Known Member
Even if they never used it for tree?
I used one on one of the portable ac that have the big exhaust hose. I used it to filter the air going out the exhaust for when we smoked but it always ran through the filter. When we moved and I took it apart it smelled musty and not like tree.

If you want a pretty sure way, hook your fan up to blow into it and get up close and smell the air coming out of the filter. If that air doesnt smell it probably wasnt used.