Help me!!! Please!

Okay so, been growing for a couple years and this is the first year that issues have arose that have not been dealt with.


Growing outside in a greenhouse.

Using advanced nutes and alpaca manure with waterings in between.

I spray my ladies with neem every three days or so as a preemptive measure

Ladies were originally in 5gallon home depot buckets(fox farm ocean forest) after the problems could not be solved they were transplanted last week and put directly in the ground using fox farm ocean forest again (noticeably root bound on some)

Most have been lollipopped (completely trimmed all lower leaves)

Some of them are doing okay while more that half seem to be losing leaves(or turning pale yellow with some brown (both fan and regular leaves) on a daily basis. Also some newer growth seems to be having similar issues.

The problem usually starts from the outside of one side of the leaf inward slowly turning the entire leaf a pale yellow before it falls off.

Im about two weeks into flowering with sexing already established.

I need some help as i don't want my entire summers work to go to waste. Please advise on if these can be saved and if they are going to produce some quality goodz.



Well-Known Member
She's blooming and eating leaves for N. Give 1/2 dose nitrogen to slow it.
Yes i did and i thought i was giving the ladies enough, as i didnt want to burn em. So the grow, micro, bloom, as well as alpaca manure is not enough? Do you think this is reversible?
Ya it was composted and i did rough up the bottoms and sides of root-bound plants before transplanting. I scratched with my fingers to loosen them up. The delivery method i used was putting alpaca manure in water and stirring it until completely dissolved, also letting it sit out overnight. Let me know what else it could be.
SO what is the verdict i need a consensus among very experienced growers???? As for the composting of alpaca manure i was under the impression it was not as necessary as using other manures since alpaca manure is not considered "hot", anyhow i have intermittently used the manure for a total of four times over the life of the plants. The ladies started in May. More input would be greatly appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
She's blooming and eating leaves for N. Give 1/2 dose nitrogen to slow it.
agreed, that transition between veg and flower can be rough for plants. i cut back on veg nutes, and add in bloom nutes, so the plant get a little of everything during that time

up the N, up the P. your low on both

EDIT: i feed my plants every nute, from start to finish.
example is 10.3.3 and micro nutes for veg,
and 3.10.10 and micro nutes (plus sugars) for flower

i think its better to reduce a nutrient, then completely remove it, ive gotten better results that way, and the leaves stay much better, longer into flower
Thanks for the input, i have not eliminated nay nutes actually. I have done exactly as nick17 said except with different ratios. I too believe that a plant may still need some over every type of nutes instead of totally eliminating a particular nute. Anything more from others???


Well-Known Member
You must slowly ween them off the grow formula slowly. It just may be a little too late now. Give a 1/4 dose and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
So any ideas?
Yes are you sure youve been at it for years? this grow is a real mess and its because the room is so hot. The plants are all stem and i think the yellowing is due to the heat and too long rootbound. Also make sure all feeds and waterings are PH'd to 6.5 !


Well-Known Member
Is that it? Anymore suggestions? Take another look guys these are my ladies were talking about lol.
Stop shouting LOL
Looking at those pics, my first thought was Nitrogen deficiency, but that has been stated.
What has been the input so far, I would listen to.
I have had good advice from all these "old timers" (no offense guys) that have taken time already to give their 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
yea i dunno what else ya want, they are low on N, the light is too high or the sun isnt shining enough hours, you didnt top them, and now ya got long scraggly plants

looks like bamboo really

george xxx

Active Member
The plastic sheeting you are using will not permit enough light transfer and contributes to fried plants because they are too close to the plastic. What you have is mostly hot house. The leaves should be at least 1 foot away from the sides.

If your trying to conceal plants growing outside try Agribond 15


Wow plastic sheeting. At first i thought that was a heavy mesh screen. Reminds me of what I was trying to do when i was younger. One year 2 of my friends showed up at my door with a plant. So we went to the hardware store and got some plastic sheeting and doweling. We made a nice plastic tent for it.

Well for us it turned out to be a bad idea. i dont know if they were getting to hot, too humid, Both... or maybe because it had no air flow.
And that brings me to my question.

Do you have any air flow in and out of that (what looks to me like a small growing cube) green house?