Help me please .


OK so I am growing in fox farm soil my ph in soil is reading 6.7. Growing outside northwest side. It's been very warm and humid summer so far but she has been doing good. She is just about to go out n to flower it seems . The strain I am growing is cherry alien. Now I don't want to start to freak out just cause I seem some brown spots but I also don't want it to turn out to be a big problem. I just gave it some tiger bloom for the first time today . I would not of if I seen the brown spots first . It was a very light feeding.I water with my sink water which ph is 7.1 fox farm is suppose to adjust ph in soil to make water right . My 3 rd time growing last year was fist harvest but both it was not that great used wring soil big problems. Pictures on its way



Well-Known Member
Nice pics I really do not see anything ,,I see the few brown spots but they do not look over whealming or bad,,I would suggest calcium if you are not already giving it,,I use lime or hydrated lime bout once a month,,it will keep you soil PH in check and a perfect 6-7 ,,Calcium is the most common or one of the more common deficiency's,,,Will add if it needs calcium it needs iron and manganese as well lime will give all that,,I also use milk to amend a soil that needs calcium here is a chart not the one I like but have to run will try to find the better one gives pics and how to correct each one


Well-Known Member
HMMM...FF soils are inherently lacking in Ca and Mg. However...Ca spots are usually rusty or orange in color. Not saying that is not the issue. But to rule out other possibilities have you checked for critters?


I was thinking of giving it some cal Mag do you guys think that is a good idea? I did check for critters did not see any . Looked under leaves real good . I know something.g got to it about 2 weeks ago I can see the little bit marks unless some leaves look like that.. last year it was a big mess with purpling all over leaves started yellowing out . I did not use fox farm that year. I learned soil is so important in growing outside in pots . I transplanted it 3 times ending up in this final pot .I love this shit but it is over whelming at times trying to find out problems. The problems are so similar sometimes.


Well-Known Member
like I said i do not see any major signs of deficiency but cow mag should not hurt a thing,,and if those slight brown spots are the beginning of a calcium deficiency you will nip it in the but before you see any further signs ,,it is hard to over do calcium they use plenty of it while growing the same way we do from milk ,,I use milk for a cow mag supplement in my garden,,milk is a very old trick been used thousands of years to amend soil,,I also like molasses during flower,,,Yours is outside so would give a good close look for bugs but did not look like a bug thing to me



Well-Known Member
I was thinking of giving it some cal Mag do you guys think that is a good idea? I did check for critters did not see any . Looked under leaves real good . I know something.g got to it about 2 weeks ago I can see the little bit marks unless some leaves look like that.. last year it was a big mess with purpling all over leaves started yellowing out . I did not use fox farm that year. I learned soil is so important in growing outside in pots . I transplanted it 3 times ending up in this final pot .I love this shit but it is over whelming at times trying to find out problems. The problems are so similar sometimes.
They look good to me. I don't think you need to add anything right now. You might want to use the calmage plus when they start to flower in small doses. I wouldn't add any lime to the fox farm soil because you could mess it up. Do you have calmag plus or is it just calmag? Calmag plus has iron in it and I think its a little better. Like I said I don't think you need it right now because they look good. keep checking for bugs.


Well-Known Member
it is sour Diesel is a heavy sativa strain,,I hand mix my own soil,,it consist of composted cow poo,,sand Pete moss,some garden compost and some Pennington pr potting mix,,,takes 75-85 days roughly for flower I should be done between 15th and 20th of this month so almost done with this batch,,plants are just over 4 foot ,,here is a few pics I just cut few small pieces to check with my microscope need a bit more time but getting close



Well-Known Member
FFOF is PH buffered ( Oyster ) and will work fine with tap as long as it is not OVERLY out of range. I use 7.1 Tap and am STILL Growing into week 7.

Adding lime or whatever will rock the boat ...... THEN YOU WILL SEE SOME BIG ASS BROWN SPOTS. Your plants look nice ....

But since you mentioned its outdoors , the BIGGEST problem will be bugs. You can " dress " the top of your soil with DE
( Diatomaceous Earth ) as pest control . It will kill insects thru hydration.

But if you notice " LEAF " pest problems , there are some other methods you can do.


Well-Known Member
They look good to me. I don't think you need to add anything right now. You might want to use the calmage plus when they start to flower in small doses. I wouldn't add any lime to the fox farm soil because you could mess it up. Do you have calmag plus or is it just calmag? Calmag plus has iron in it and I think its a little better. Like I said I don't think you need it right now because they look good. keep checking for bugs.

How can one hurt soil with lime,,hydrated lime used 1 teaspoon per gallon given once a month keeps soil PH at a natural 6-7,,,,,If soil is out of wack being to acidic or is your PH is off ,,,,this is what you would do for any crop to make your soil a neutral 6-7,,,which is bout perfect for this type of plant,,,Lime is not a nutrient,,it does have many things in it that make it up,,,But the entire purpose of lime or limning soil is to make the soil a nautreal 6-7 so that the microbes and bacteria that live in the soil can flourish,,they do this under proper PH,,,they live in the soil like a city the better they live and more they flourish,,the better your soil is,,Lime as I said is not a nutrient but will allow a plant to take in more of the nutrients it needs this includes fertilizers ,,your plants can use more of what is given to them ,,if the soil PH is right,,,IT will always be right if you either A, amend your soil with lime when you start or B give Hydrated Lime bout once a month,,,I have never had a PH problem in all my years of gardening,,as I said if you water once a month with Lime you know your soil is a perfect 6-7
here is a link on lime


Well-Known Member
OK so I am growing in fox farm soil my ph in soil is reading 6.7. Growing outside northwest side. It's been very warm and humid summer so far but she has been doing good. She is just about to go out n to flower it seems . The strain I am growing is cherry alien. Now I don't want to start to freak out just cause I seem some brown spots but I also don't want it to turn out to be a big problem. I just gave it some tiger bloom for the first time today . I would not of if I seen the brown spots first . It was a very light feeding.I water with my sink water which ph is 7.1 fox farm is suppose to adjust ph in soil to make water right . My 3 rd time growing last year was fist harvest but both it was not that great used wring soil big problems. Pictures on its way

here you go this is the chart I keep saved has good info it explains each deficiency and gives you the remedy's very handy it has good pics and info in my opinion,,I think your plant looks great but here is the site


Well-Known Member
I'm basing my comments on the soil you are using .... FFOF .
The same shit i'm using. As long as you don't OVERLY flush out the soil it will stay within PH.

No reason for RO WATER - Distilled Water or Hooker Sweat.

This 7 week old soil .... Nothing added just more perlite.
I water up to 10% runoff ( when i start to see it BEGIN to seep out ).

Also some say its TOO HOT for seedlings ...... Its not.



Well-Known Member

Like I said would not matter what soil you use mate,,,they all recomend lime to make it 6-7 and keep it that way,,,,
Agricultural lime, also called aglime, Biolime, agricultural limestone, garden lime or liming, is a soil additive made from pulverized limestone or chalk. The primary active component is calcium carbonate. Additional chemicals vary depending on the mineral source and may include calcium oxide, magnesium oxide andmagnesium carbonate.

The effects of agricultural lime on soil are:
it increases the pH of acidic soil (the lower the pH the more acidic the soil); in other words, soil acidity is reduced and alkalinity increased[1]

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
It almost looks to me like your leaves are really dark green. That can be N toxicity and that will cause spots
Tho it could just be my phone


Well-Known Member
if it was a Nitrogen problem then ends of the leaf do whats called crows claw,,it would become thin and curl under they call that ,,,nitrogen toxicity ,,or crows claw,,but his plant looks pretty healthy I was looking at the number of leaves,,as they grow and if they are good an healthy they start producing more fingers 7-8 is pretty normal you know it is happy when you see up to 13


Well-Known Member
How can one hurt soil with lime,,hydrated lime used 1 teaspoon per gallon given once a month keeps soil PH at a natural 6-7,,,,,If soil is out of wack being to acidic or is your PH is off ,,,,this is what you would do for any crop to make your soil a neutral 6-7,,,which is bout perfect for this type of plant,,,Lime is not a nutrient,,it does have many things in it that make it up,,,But the entire purpose of lime or limning soil is to make the soil a nautreal 6-7 so that the microbes and bacteria that live in the soil can flourish,,they do this under proper PH,,,they live in the soil like a city the better they live and more they flourish,,the better your soil is,,Lime as I said is not a nutrient but will allow a plant to take in more of the nutrients it needs this includes fertilizers ,,your plants can use more of what is given to them ,,if the soil PH is right,,,IT will always be right if you either A, amend your soil with lime when you start or B give Hydrated Lime bout once a month,,,I have never had a PH problem in all my years of gardening,,as I said if you water once a month with Lime you know your soil is a perfect 6-7
here is a link on lime
I'm aware of what lime does. If you use too much lime you can mess it up. The fox farm is prebuffered already. I wouldn't add anything to it.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
if it was a Nitrogen problem then ends of the leaf do whats called crows claw,,it would become thin and curl under they call that ,,,nitrogen toxicity ,,or crows claw,,but his plant looks pretty healthy I was looking at the number of leaves,,as they grow and if they are good an healthy they start producing more fingers 7-8 is pretty normal you know it is happy when you see up to 13
Not always. I accidentally gave mine to much N this yr and they were DARK green and had spots on the leaves with no clawing. Once tranplanted and flushed it pulled right out of it. You can look at my grow journal and see what I mean. Like super dark green lol.
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