help me plz


Active Member
:shock: I germinated a seed and i planted it in a cup with some miracle grow. I was thinking a plant would do better outside rather than inside so i left it in some sun/shady area. day two into the sprout and it looks like its dying. so i brought it back in and got some plant food for it and watered it some more with the food. Im still really new to growing and just need some simple step by step instructions.


Well-Known Member
When you transfer a plant from indoors to outdoors, you should do it slowly. Introduce it to outside elements a few hours at a time, every day adding another hour or two. After a week you should be good.

Your plant probably couldn't handle your climate, especially if its young yet.

Check out the outdoor growing forum to find any other info you might need. Good luck

I also just noticed, why did you give it plant food? You're gonna kill it dude. Its way too young for any kind of nutes. And Miracle Grow soil is not the best soil to use either.