Help Me! Problems, 1st grow

Alright I am on the border line of being totally fucked, My Plants started getting white circular areas all over the leaves, which for some have now turned the leaves yellow. The somewhat healthy leaves are drooping down toward the soil, and ALL now have the white circles. The white can not be wiped off, Looked for bugs but saw none with the naked eye. I tryied giving the plant some nitrogen hoping that would work, but plant is still in bad shape 2 days later and getting worse! Please help, first ever grow and about 3 weeks in.
Thanks in advance for the help, cannot provide pictures at this time.
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Well-Known Member
Alright I am on the border line of being totally fucked, My Plants started getting white circular areas all over the leaves, which for some have now turned the leaves yellow. The somewhat healthy leaves are drooping down toward the soil, and ALL now have the white circles. The white can not be wiped off, Looked for bugs but saw none with the naked eye. I tryied giving the plant some nitrogen hoping that would work, but plant is still in bad shape 2 days later and getting worse! Please help, first ever grow and about 3 weeks in.
Thanks in advance for the help, cannot provide pictures at this time.
I think you are fucked my friend. I agree with Nitro. How old are your plants? Where are you growing? Info...
I think you are fucked my friend. I agree with Nitro. How old are your plants? Where are you growing? Info...
My plants sprouted 3 weeks ago, they are in a closet, I did over water for the first couple of days which could explain the mildew... just completly lost not sure what to do at this point.


Well-Known Member
get some neem oil or some organic fungicide

i had mold once in veg and wiped it out with that and a dehumidifier

other than that i would get out of the closet because you probably dont have enough air circulation to keep mold at bay.

best of luck! mold fucking sucks


Well-Known Member
did you spray the leaves with tap water could be hard water spots but if did not probaly mildew take peroxide and water and dip the plant in put hand over soil not to loss it and dip it get it out of closet so air can get to it


Well-Known Member
You can mix peroxide and water in a spray bottle wipe off what you can see and then spray it down then put it in front of a fan to dry I would also recomend cleaning out your grow room to get rid of any stray mildew spores so it doesn't come back


Well-Known Member
The problem with molds and fungi is the spores (which are invisible) cover a MUCH larger area than the visible fungi. Fungicides are nice and everything but in my opinion don't work 100% of the time and are a hassle to use. If you have the resources and time I would say scratch your current OP and completely bleach your entire grow area/anything you have touched/anything you have used in the process of growing and start over. Prevention is key in almost any circumstance. I would make sure to keep your humidity high during veg (50-70%) and make sure you have more than adequate air circulation + fresh are coming in from outside. The problem with plants is that any small problems quickly snowball so it is worth stating again, PREVENTION IS KEY!


Well-Known Member
Alright I am on the border line of being totally fucked, My Plants started getting white circular areas all over the leaves, which for some have now turned the leaves yellow. The somewhat healthy leaves are drooping down toward the soil, and ALL now have the white circles. The white can not be wiped off, Looked for bugs but saw none with the naked eye. I tryied giving the plant some nitrogen hoping that would work, but plant is still in bad shape 2 days later and getting worse! Please help, first ever grow and about 3 weeks in.
Thanks in advance for the help, cannot provide pictures at this time.

Try some H2O2, spray it on from a small spray bottle... For some reason, it worked on a white mold for me... caught it early...Use before Neem... as a wash it off...
just posted pictures!!! thanks for all the help so far. I might have acted too soon but I went ahead and sprayed all plants with peroxide/water. I also rubbed all the white circles off of the leaves. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know, as you can see the leaves are drooping mad bad, with some leaves yellow.


Well-Known Member
i lost 4 oz of bud due to mold

Lost a little over 2 1/2 oz my first grow indoor. i feel you there.

i ended up using it to make some BHO and iso hash oil

I put it in a tuperware and froze it in the freezer for a few days. then broke it all down while it was frozen

Then put it back in the tuperware and froze it for a few more days.

I figured the alcohol and butane would kill any remaining mold and it was all for me and i dont have any respiratory problems or allergies.

And it was hella good hahaha.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't spot the white blotches but I'm sure they were there. If you could wipe them off I don't think they were PM. Pic #2 actually looks OK but the downward bend of the leaves suggests overwatering.

Pics 1&3 show yellowing of older leaves which normally suggest N deficiency but the plants are a real dark green otherwise, which kind of discounts N deficiency. Tops of plants look decent, my best guess is overwatering. Strictly a guess.
Thanks for all the help so far everyone. but I have one more question on the topic. It seems to be only the lower leaves that are turning yellow/ and some leaves have died. One the leaves of plant 2, the larger white circles have reappeared but doesn't look like any mildew I have seen, and the leaves are extremely green otherwise. Any more suggestions with the new observations. I have heard low nitrogen, maybe over watering, and others, but is their anyone that can 100% positively identify what is happening? SHOULD I
1. Give it more nitrogen?
2. waterless? Have not watered in around 2 days.
3. peroxide and water?
4. hit it with some soap and water?
If anyone has any more clues of what this could be please let me know. Thanks for all the help, hell of a community. If anything else comes to mind post it!