Help me think? Please.


Well-Known Member
Hi All . . . I need some help thinking. Thanks in advance.
Lemme see if I can 'splain . . . I cloned a couple from a recent indoor grow and let them grow, 2 in a big pot, outdoors since maybe July 4th? They're ok, some kind of WRino, I strongly suspect. Basically grew these to take a break indoors and keep this strain alive.
Anyway, Friday I take a few clones for my next indoor adventure. Last night, I'm checking and see what looks like a small catarillar on one's top. It's a pistil!
So, I check the outdoor twins this morning and it's starting. There's no stretch.

Yesterday saw 13hrs and 40 mins of daylight here, almost 15 hours of "visible" light. If I look at the daylight data for the past 2-3 weeks, I should learn the exact trigger time of this strain (this assuming temp doesn't play into it)
Now, I don't know if flowers flourish during the daytime, or like night best. If it turns out daylight show the best/fastest grow result, and knowing the longest day/light that allows for flowering to come (thus, the shortest dark time) do you think budding these plants at 13:40 would result in a faster, fuller harvest w/zero stretch?
If not, how could a scientist utilize this data, ie:1st pistil @13:40 for good things? I just can't see it being useless information.
I posted similar elsewhere, in the wrong topic, I suspect.
I hope I've explained myself, but suspect I've failed?


Well-Known Member
it seems that you've developed some interesting data but as someone who's never grown I can't help you too much here.

sure, you could try running your next indoor grow on that light cycle and see what the results are.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I figure I might have to do this research. Just wonderin' what comes to some other minds so I can expand my own thoughts on this.


Well-Known Member
this could, theoretically, change way the world grows weed indoors. It may be that the gradual change of light cycles the way light changes outdoors in the key, or it may be that your specific strain has a light cycle it prefers to flower at, and other strains may have their preferred light cycles. further experimentation is definitely needed, but I've always felt that 12/12 and 18/6 couldn't be the best numbers, it's just to well rounded. Nothing in nature is that perfect.


Well-Known Member
it seems that you've developed some interesting data but as someone who's never grown I can't help you too much here.

sure, you could try running your next indoor grow on that light cycle and see what the results are.
yup sure seems interesting,

You know how i read this : * MOuth open, joint hangin down from the side.... With a very serious look on my face readin this *

haha.... I dont have a clue ^^

Peace man ;) I'll keep watching till an answer is found

-- Oh shit just had a good idea.. when a thread has an answer..... It should be display under the original Post as the best answer like has...

thnx god i wrote down quick --


Well-Known Member
12/12's only used because it work's every time . . . I'm sure strains would each have an ideal trigger. Whether pot needs to go beyond that trigger for best production is one question needing an answer. Also, those night time temps might come into play. I'm up north. Last week it was both 100*F Day and 43*F night in maybe 30 hours.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
It's quite simple Dude/Person. Look at your chart, or make one. Strain, what is the temp, altitude, humidity level, lumen's in direct sun as opposed to ambient light, stress related pre-flowering, constant moisture level, aeration, root system health, minerals, drainage, etc. All of the above needs to be documented, and more. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
It's quite simple Dude/Person. Look at your chart, or make one. Strain, what is the temp, altitude, humidity level, lumen's in direct sun as opposed to ambient light, stress related pre-flowering, constant moisture level, aeration, root system health, minerals, drainage, etc. All of the above needs to be documented, and more. Good luck.
I'm a fishman!

Or I suppose I could simply grow 2 plants* at 12/12 and 2 at 13:40 and pay attention to the trichs and cured weights? *indoors, identically, except for lighting time.
I'm not so good at gathering data these days. Pretty spaced out. You feel/know all these aspects come into trigger play? Thanks for pointing out these other considerations.

I'm old school to the max . . . 40 years old messin' 'round w/growing.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fishman!

Or I suppose I could simply grow 2 plants* at 12/12 and 2 at 13:40 and pay attention to the trichs and cured weights? *indoors, identically, except for lighting time.
I'm not so good at gathering data these days. Pretty spaced out. You feel/know all these aspects come into trigger play? Thanks for pointing out these other considerations.

I'm old school to the max . . . 40 years old messin' 'round w/growing.
that sounds like a good system. as long as you do an indoor grow so you know all other variables are constant. then we'd know if it was the light or some other system that created the change.


Well-Known Member
It figures that the one time I plant two clones in one planter it'd be to my greatest advantage to have not done so, in this case.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck? You KNOW this thread is old when some be talking about weed in Toke n Talk...Tits or GTFO...

No, really...Useless bump.