Help me with a "treasure hunt"


Active Member
ok, so I need a little help here.

I am having a party tomorrow for a friend of mine, who (has confessed that he) has never had a party thrown for him. I had to fix that. He knows that something is up - but not what.

WE are gifting him with a piece of glass to replace the one that he broke this summer, and a half a dozen dimes of various stuff to play with - he loves to blend and play like that. A + B usually yields q, rather than c.

So - one of us geniuses decided to play a little "treasure hunt" game with him, and leave clues, leading him on a chase for each little treasure and finally the big one - that he must unwrap blindfolded and identify before he gets to keep it.

My problem (aside from I'm way too lit to think right) is that I'm not very poetic and have been elected to "write the clues" as it were.

The hiding places have been chosen - along with their "association" as follows:
1. on his toothbrush - the blue Crayola kids kind.... - something about being a better choice for some applications than formula 420.

2. In a "joy of cooking cookbook" where he's not going to find a recipe for "space brownies" (the cake is actually space brownies:weed:

3. In one of the decorative lamps that is never "lit" because it's in a bad place and hard to use.

4. "baked", in, on, near the oven....

5. In the copper "pot" that is more suited in location and form to house an ivy or philodendron.

6. in, on, near, the "WASTE"d can.....

7. In the hollow "butt" of a toy squirt gun that's been lettered with "AK-47" in honor of his favorite strain.

8. Hidden in one of the kites hung from the ceiling, in honor of gonna be "high as a kite".....we used to go watch people fly kites and trip all over the way that the colors moved.....


Anyone out there want to take a shot at helping me with the actual poetry/directions???

The guy is rather bright - so things don't' need to be too obvious, but, at the same time, the schedule is to light the "cake" off as the first order of business.....

