Help Me With My Decision


Well-Known Member
I am looking to by my first plant very soon and I am stuck between these two:

I haver limited time to grow and harvest as I go on Holiday in august and i might not have time to harvest.So thats why I would like to know what autoflowering is? is it quicker to flower and then harvest or shall I stick to the Double berry and go The long way??

any help would be great ! cheers ;]


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of info you're leaving out in order for us to help you decide. Is your grow space already set up? Soil or hydro? How long will you be on vacation in august?

Autoflowering strains flower automatically no matter what light cycle they are under. Genetics are all different though, some might autoflower soon after breaking through the soil, and others may veg for a couple weeks before flowering. The other thing you should consider is that you can't just harvest, and be done with it. You need (to some degree) to babysit your buds as they dry out, and also for the curing process. IMO even with an autoflower strain you may not safely have enough time before your holiday to get a good grow. If I were you, I'd wait until you're back from holiday to harvest.

I'm in a similar situation as you. My wife and I are going on a cruise in early July, and I initially wanted to harvest, dry, and cure my current crop all before we go. Problem is, I really don't think I'm going to have enough time, and I'm afraid I'll end up harvesting to early. I recently decided that I'm just going to stretch out my flowering time over our cruise, so when we get home I can chop right away, and I can also keep a close eye on my drying/curing process instead of rushing through it. I think in the end I'll have made the right choice, and I know you will too. ;) :blsmoke: